

[riplus-video url=”https://s01.zhufubang.com/public/Suits-s02e03-clips3.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1611111915-11cd0ee28d746d4.jpg” is_logo=”1″]


RachelWhat are you doing?你在干什么

MikeOh, uh, god.天啊

——>>I’m sorry. This–this looks awful.抱歉  这有点难堪

——>>I’m working with Hardman.我和哈德曼一起工作

——>>He needed a file, and I–他需要一份档案  于是我

RachelWhy didn’t you just send donna?干嘛不派唐娜来

MikeOkay. I deserve that.好吧,是我活该

——>>Rachel, I swear, I didn’t mean to–瑞秋  我发誓  我不是故意

RachelOh, don’t look at me like that.别摆出这幅表情

——>>It’s not porn. It’s match.Com.这又不是黄片  这是交友网

MikeSo you’re, uh. – Yeah.-所以你是在  – 是的

RachelI am. -正是  –

MikeThat’s good..- 不错确实  –

RachelIt is.是啊

Mike– I think it’s, uh, good我觉得这很好

RachelIt is. Yeah, me too.我也这么觉得

——>>Except that I have been working只是我这三天一直

——>>on this essay for the past three days,埋头苦想自我介绍


——>>and this is all I’ve got.我就只写了这些

MikeIt’s blank. –空白

Rachel I know.-  -我知道

MikeOkay, how about you start with something like this:你不妨像这样开头

——>>“I work at the top firm in Manhattan.”我就职于曼哈顿的顶尖律所

注解:top firm顶尖公司,一流公司

RachelSee, that’s not really… –这并不是…

MikeI have an office,- -我有自己的办公室

——>>which is unheard of for a paralegal.对于律师助理而言实属罕见

注解:unheard of for:对……来闻所未闻


——>>That shows how much they value me.”这充分说明了律所对我的重视

RachelJust hold on.先等等

——>>Okay, more.好的  继续

MikeI’m passionate.我充满热情

——>>Funny, tenacious.风趣幽默  意志坚韧

——>>Courageous. –大胆




RachelAny more adjectives?- -还有更多形容词吗


注解:Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious:人见人爱,花见花开;这个词出自是1964年迪士尼音乐电影《Mary Poppons》中的一首歌。该词由super(非常,超越),cali(美丽),fragilistic(易碎的),expiali(补偿)和docious(可教育的)五个字根组成,在该电影中,这句话当时被翻译成了:人见人爱,花见花开,车见爆胎。所以很流行。

——>>I’m incredibly smart, sometimes aggressively so.”我聪明过人  有时甚至令人自愧不如



RachelYou realize this is supposed to make me sound good, right?你知道介绍目的是夸我吧

注解:Be supposed to :应该(做);被期望,本应;写作口语超实用词组

MikeWhy don’t you let me finish?先听我说完

——>>”I’m a–我是个

——>>I’m also a kind person.我心地善良

——>>And I want someone who notices the little things,我希望对方能够注意一些小事

——>>like–like the fact that I’m a foodie,比如说我是美食家


——>>and I love to share that with other people.我乐意与他人共享

——>>Or that when someone pays me a compliment,或是在受人夸奖时

注解:Pay sb a compliment:称赞某人;pay这个词用法非常灵活,不仅仅可以指付钱,也可以指给无形的东西;

举一反三,Pay attention to关注也是这种用法,pay a visit to参观,访问

——>>I can’t even look them in the eye,我都不敢直视对方

——>>Or the fact that my parents are obviously loaded,或是虽然我家境富裕

注解:Loaded:直译负载的;(美俚)形容人是指很富裕;例句I was born loaded. 我含着金汤匙出世。

——>>but I’m still determined to make it on my own.”我还是毅然决定自力更生

注解:Be determined to:决心做;

            on one’s own: 独自地;靠自己地;类似表达:work on one’s own: 单干;单挑;独自干;stand on one’s own feet: 自立;自力更生;自食其力

RachelI’m not going to type that last part.最后一句可不能打上去

MikeHey, it doesn’t matter.这不重要

——>>You’re still going to be beating them away with a stick.你肯定还是最抢手的

RachelWell, yeah, because you write such a–such a good essay.是啊  多亏你这篇完美的介绍

注解:such a+n/adj +n:超高频超实用词组,如此的,这样的,表示感叹;such a lovely face: 多么可爱的面容;

            例如:she’s such a snob!   她竟是这样一个势利眼!

MikeNo, I mean, after you post a picture here.不 ,我是指你玉照一传 ,必有奇效



精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第104期:人见人爱地道表达



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