

[riplus-video url=”https://s01.zhufubang.com/public/Young%20SheltonS02E01.clips.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/1612488803-ee5c811b2edca97.jpg” is_logo=”1″]

《Young Shelton》S02E01片段中英对照剧本:

1–Look, I understand you’re tired, but that is no reason for you…我知道你很累 但你也不能…
2–I’m not just tired. I’m exhausted.我不只是累 我是精疲力尽

注解:经常看美剧的对这个词一定很熟悉,exhausted筋疲力竭了,比tired更深程度的表达那种被掏空的疲惫,而美剧中还经常实用的表达自己工作的非常累的work like a dog 像狗一样工作;拼命工作
3–Everything hurts.全身上下都疼

4–I get up in the morning我早上起床
5–to do this job I don’t even like.去做一份我根本不喜欢的工作
6–And I’m doing it just for the money,我工作只是为了钱
7–and it’s not even a lot of money.可钱还少得可怜
8–I keep trying harder and harder,我每天都付出更多努力

9–and it doesn’t even make a difference.但情况完全没有改变
10–So if you’re going to yell at me or punish me,所以如果你要吼我或惩罚我
11–let’s just get it over with.就赶紧罚完了事

12–I’m not gonna punish you.我不打算惩罚你
13–Why not? I deserve it.为什么 我罪有应得

14–Let me tell you about my day.让我告诉你我今天过得如何
15–I got yelled at by the principal今天校长大骂我
16–for benching a linebacker who’s flunking English.因为我不让一个英语挂科的线卫上场比赛
17–Then I got yelled at even more by the kid’s parents.然后那孩子的父母骂得我更凶
18–Then I had to break up a fight in the locker room.之后我在更衣室制止了一场打斗
19–Got elbowed in the neck.被肘击中了脖子
20–That’s a rough day.你今天真惨
21–That was all before 10:00 A.M.这些都是早上十点前发生的
22–So I get what you’re going through.所以我明白你的痛苦

注解:get在英语中很实用,这里是理解懂得的意思;go through 经历某事
23–But you’ll notice, I didn’t come home and take it out on you.但你会发现 我没回家拿你撒气

注解:take it out on sb找某人发气
24–No, you didn’t.确实没有
25–I want you to get back in there,我希望你回去
26–apologize to everyone, and finish your dinner.向所有人道歉 然后把饭吃完
27–Yes, sir.遵命
28–My father’s wisdom touched me deeply.我父亲的智慧深深触动了我

29–Which is why, to this day,所以 至今
30–no matter what I’m going through,无论我经历了什么
31–I am never irritating or abusive我都不会惹恼或辱骂

32–to any of my friends or loved ones.我任何一个朋友或家人


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