


Orsan:She upstaged your lemon meringue pie? 你抢了你的柠檬蛋白酥派的风头?

——>> You’ve gotta be kidding. – I’m not.  你开玩笑吧 — 没有
Bree:That despicable woman was just supposed to bring a simple green salad. 那个卑鄙的女人本应该只带蔬菜沙拉的
——>> She not only brought a pie…she hid mine and served hers. 她不仅带了派… 还用了掉包计
Orsan:Well,that’s beyond despicable. That’s culinary terrorism. 这已经不仅仅是卑鄙了 这是厨房的恐怖主义
Bree:Oh,it gets worse. Her pie was better than mine. 更可恶的是 她做的派比我的好吃
Orsan:Impossible. 怎么可能
Bree:It’s true. Everyone thought so.  事实摆在眼前 大家都这么想
——>> Even me. 甚至我也这么想
——>> Oh,and that simple green sala… 还有那个简简单单的沙拉…
——>> mache and baby arugula with duck confit and candied walnuts! 放了蘑菇 嫩芝麻菜 脆皮烤鸭肉和甜核桃!
Orsan:My god, she plays to win. 天啊 她这是志在必得
Bree:I have been here for hours trng to replicate her recipe, and nothing has even com close! 我在这儿学着她的做了几个小时 口味还是相差甚远!
Orsan:Don’t be so hard on yourself. This one’s fantastic. 别太苛刻了 这个好吃极了
Bree:That’s hers! 那是她的!
Orsan:Sorry. 对不起
Bree:Orson,what am I gonna do? Orson 我该怎么办?
Orsan:You might have to bite the bullet and ask her for her recipe. 你可以用枪对着她 找她要配方
Bree:What? Surrender? Debase myself? 什么? 向她屈服? 贬低我自己?
Orsan:Bree,it’s your signature pie. Bree 这是你最拿手的派
——>> You make it for parties, church suppers, bake sales. 你为聚会 教堂晚宴 蛋糕店制作
——>> If she’s always right there behind you with her superior version, 如果她总是拿她做的更好吃的版本,在你后面搞小动作
——>> staking out her claim as fairview’s number one homemaker… 申明自己是美景镇最好的主妇…
Bree:She will have stolen my entire identity. 她会抢走我的一切名誉
Orsan:Well,I wouldn’t go that far. 还不至于
Bree:No,it’s true. 不 会的
——>> The only thing about me that’s special is what I can doin the kitchen. 厨艺是我唯一的长处
——>> You’re right,  I have got to get that recipe… 你是对的,我要弄到她的配方…
——>> by any means necessary. 不惜一切代价

Upstage:If someone upstages you, they draw attention away from you by being more attractive or interesting. (使相形见绌;抢…的风头)

Culinary terrorism:厨房恐怖主义,Orsan用夸张的手法形容Katharine处心积虑的抢他人风头的调包行为不亚于厨房里面搞恐怖主义。

Replicate:to make or do something again in exactly the same way. (复制、模拟)

Bite the bullet To do or accept something unpleasant, often after a period of hesitation; to accept something difficult and try to live with it. (咬紧牙关应付、硬着头皮做不愉快的事)

Surrender:the act of stopping fighting and officially admitting defeat. (承认失败、停止宣战)

Surrender(投降、认输;­放弃挣扎、屈从;向上供述某事或上交某物 )

1、To admit that you’ve been defeated;

E.G.1:You might have to bite the bullet and ask her for her recipe. What? Surrender? Debase myself? (绝望的主妇S04E02)

E.G.2:My point is, he would not meekly surrender to the rules…and neither should you. (生活大爆炸:S04E21)

2、To give it up or let go of sth after a struggle.

E.G.1:Some, when faced with a bloody battle, simply give in. But for some, surrender is unacceptable. (绝望的主妇S04E02)

E.G.2:You once offered me the chance to surrender before being visited by the plagues. I did not, and so I paid the price. (亿万S04E12)

3、To give the control or use of sth to someone else, usually authority or superior.

E.G.1:His business partner, Mr. Tanaka fled the country, and Mr. Solis himself has refused to surrender his passport. (绝望的主妇S01E10)

E.G.2:I’d prefer not to be a “sort of” anything, milord. I will surrender my position for the duration of the visit, if I must. (唐顿庄园2019电影版)


  • 斗争中被打败、举白旗认输,包括军事战斗及不同势力间的较量
  • 某人遇到强劲的对手、困难的局面而被迫放弃其主张及意愿
  • 下级对上级或民众对执法部门上交某物,如让出职位、递交护照

Debase:to reduce the quality or value of something. (贬低某事物的品格与价值)

Signature used to describe the product or service that a company or person is known for. (知名的、有招牌效应的)

Staking out one’s claim:To assert one’s ownership of or right to something. (申明或主张自己拥有某种事物的所有权)

Steal one’s  identity:To take away the good quality or reputation someone has earned, ususally in a tricky, dishonest or delusive manner. (用欺螨、不正当手段抢占别人已经获得的成就和荣誉)

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