

《Young Sheldon》S01E02中英文对照::

1–Look at him.  Breaks my heart. 你看他  我心都要碎了

2–Poor little guy,  all alone. 可怜的小家伙  形单影只

3–I don’t see why his brother can’t sit with him. 他哥哥为什么不能跟他坐在一起

4–Come on,  Mary. 拜托  玛丽

5–When you were in high school, 你上高中时

6–would you have lunch with a nine-year-old? 难道你会跟一个9岁小孩吃午饭吗

7–Yes,  I would’ve. 我当然会啊

8–Well,  there’s something wrong with you. 那你肯定是哪里有毛病

9–I’m gonna keep him company. 我要去陪他

注解:Company除了熟悉的公司外,还有陪伴,作陪的意思,keep sb company 陪伴某人

10–Hey,  hey,  hey,  Mary.  Mary. 别  别  玛丽  玛丽

11–Think this through.  Right now the kids are just ignoring Sheldon. 你可得想清楚  现在大家只是无视他

12–What happens if he’s sitting with his mommy? 如果再发现他吃午饭还要妈妈陪会怎么样

13–They could mistake me for a senior. 他们说不定会以为我是高三学姐啊

注解:mistake sb for 认错某人为。。。

14–Well,  I look younger than you. 我看起来是比你年轻啊

15–Just give this time,  all right? 先静观其变  好吗

16–It’ll work itself out. 船到桥头自然直



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