


《Young Sheldon》S01E10中英文对照:

32–I recently had a nice chat with the head我最近刚好跟

33–of Wilmot Academy for Gifted Children. 威尔莫特天才学院的校长谈过

34–Now,  I told her all about Sheldon,  and she seemed to think我跟她说了谢尔顿的事  她好像觉得

35–he would be a perfect fit over there. 谢尔顿非常适合到他们学校就读

注解:perfect fit很实用高频的短语,形容某人或某物非常适合另一人或者另一物;对应中文中的天造地设,完美契合,

36–We already looked into private school. 我们已经看过私立学校了

37–We can’t afford it. 我们承担不起学费

38— Not unless you’re giving me a raise.  – I’m not. – 除非你给我加薪 – 没这打算

注解:give sb a raise给某人加薪

39–Okay,  just checking. 好吧  我就问问

40–But I can tell you this. 不过我可以告诉你们

41–Wilmot has been known众所周知威尔莫特

42–to give children like Sheldon full scholarship. 会为像谢尔顿这样的孩子提供全额奖学金

43–Take a look at that. 你们看看

44— My goodness.  – No kidding. – 我的天啊 – 真的假的

45–Yeah,  just read up on it. 你们好好看看

46–Give it some thought. 认真考虑一下吧

注解:give sth some thought:(高频短语)好好考虑某事


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