

《Desperate housewives》S02E20片段中英对照剧本:

GabbyWho’s the pretty girl?谁是漂亮女孩?

——>>Oh, looks like it’s daddy’s turn.看来是爸爸抱咯

注解:it’s one‘s turn很实用的口语,it’s your turn该你了

Carlos I got her. – 我抱她

Police Mrs. Solis? 索利斯夫人吗?


Police We have a court order to take the Collins baby into custody.我们收到法院命令收回科林宝宝的监护权

注解:court order 法院命令;法院指令


Carlos No, no, no, that’s a mistake.不不不不,肯定搞错了

——>>No, we… we have the paperwork.我们有文件的


——>>The birth father signed away his rights.亲生父亲签字放弃他的权利了

注解:birth father/mother:亲身父亲/母亲;

             sign away 签字放弃

Police It’s the birth mother who’s protesting.现在是亲生母亲提出反对

注解:protest:抗议; 反对


Police Until the adoption is legally finalized, 直到收养在法律上生效之前,


             legally finalized:法律上敲定;finalize也是商务高频词汇哦!

——>>the birth mother can still change her mind,亲生母亲还是可以改变主意

注解:change one’s mind改变主意;举一反三,make one’s mind:下决心

——>>and… she has.她变卦了

GabbyNo, no, no, no, no, no!不不不不不不!

Carlos Gaby, wait.盖比等一下

GabbyYou? You don’t even wanna be a mother!你甚至不想做一个妈妈

Birth mother Well, look, Frank quit using, and, uh, he got看,Frank不嗑药了,而且

——>>a good job down at the plant. He’s really stepped up.他在工厂有一份不错的工作,他真的在改变

注解:step up:增加,加快,提升;这里引申为他改变进步了


Birth mother Well, so we’re gonna give the whole family thing a shot. 我们想试试组成个家

注意!高频短语give sth a shot:试一下;

——>>Well, I’ll totally give you all your money back.我会把钱都退给你的

——>>I don’t want my money back. I want my baby!我不要钱,我要我的孩子!

——>>Come on, let’s go.我们走吧


——>>No! Carlos, what’s happening?不要,卡洛斯,发生怎么了?

GabbyNo, no, no, You don’t understand, You don’t understand.不不不,你们不明白,你们不懂

——>>This is our baby!这是我们的孩子

——>>No, we’ve been… we’ve been feeding her, and we…我们一直….一直给她喂奶

——>>we’ve been bathing her,我们给她洗澡

——>>and we wake up in the middle of the night and we rock her,半夜我们起床摇哄她;


——>>which is crazy,太疯狂了

——>>’cause if you knew me, I don’t do that.如果你了解我,那不是我的风格

——>>I don’t do that. 我一向不那样的

——>>And… and my husband… my husband, he sings to her.还有,我老公,我老公他经常唱歌给她

——>>He sings, so you can’t take her away.他唱歌,你们不能带走她

——>>It’s too late. We’ve already fallen in love with her!太晚了!我们已经爱上她了

——>>Carlos, do something!卡洛斯!做点什么!

——>>No, you can’t go! You can’t… you can’t take her!你们不能走,你们不能…不能带走她

——>>You can’t take her!你们不能带走她!


——>>She’s our baby!她是我们的孩子!

——>>She’s our…她是我们的




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