




The ceramics[sɪ’ræmɪks]  teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality.

His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the “quantity” group: fifty pound of pots rated an “A”, forty pounds a “B”, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot – albeit a perfect one – to get an “A”.

Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the “quantity” group was busily churning out piles of work – and learning from their mistakes – the “quality” group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.


Read through this, you’ll witness the fierce battle in my head before I finally set myself free. This might apply to some of you as well.

Please don’t tell me you have no time, time is like the water in a sponge, you’ll always get it as long as you’re willing to squeeze, and time is of essence, language acquisition demands your significant time and profound dedication.

Please don’t tell me you’re incompetent, the road to perfection is paved with single-minded steps of completion, always remember why you determined to learn English in the first place, and don’t be afraid of trying something new, you know perfectly well that everything is a mystery until you put it into history.

Please don’t tell me you’re lack of competence, it’s a good thing if you compare other people’s highlighted moments with your ordinary routine, this will accelerate your AQ(adversity quotient), ignite your passion and maximize your potential to the arena that you think you truly belong.

I know what you want, you wanted to breakthrough, you wanted to stand out from the crowed, you wanted to excel in your business, in your career and ultimately your well-being, isn’t that the reason you chose to embrace something extraordinary in the first place? You don’t like to hung up with a bunch of losers, you don’t want submit yourself to mediocrity, and you definitely don’t like the feeling of being defeated and disregarded while you’re climbing up the whatever ladders.

You have Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative doing constant battle in your head, guess who wins? The one you feed the most! I know you might be wondering you’re already in your later 30s, you’re a middle-aged man and there’re plenty eligible teachers out there, who’re much younger, energetic, and intelligent than you, how you gonna survive this?

Fuck you! You crappy little coward!! Don’t you want to be venerable? Then why the hell you’re heading your way to vulnerable?

Get rid of your self-doubt, forget about the “what if…”, You’ve got to remember that this is the only thing that interested you, how many times you’ve told yourself there’s a huge price to pay in order to step out your current social circle, to leap tall buildings in a single bound? You need to generate, accumulate and gather up all the energies at your disposal, you need to focus like a laser beam, you’ve got to put yourself on the verge of explosion and destruction, you’ve got to manage to find ways to survive, you’ve got to make it out alive by all means, at all costs!

If you haven’t given it 100 percent, you’ll  regret for the rest of your life, you’ve got to pull off and carry on no matter how difficult, painful and challenging. Nothing can add more power to your life than diverting all your energies into the one thing that matters you the most.

It’s always fascinating yet discouraging when you see someone more talented do something at ease, you become obsessed with the amazing capabilities that only a master can deliver. But please, don’t compare other people’s highlight moments with my ordinary rutine, you knew from the bottom of my heart that there have been pangs and toils under their glamorous facade. Just remember it all depends on how hard and  devoted you work to catch up,  becasue when talent runs out, hard work prevails. Let me wrap this up in one sentence, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Trust me Owen, at the end of the day, the disbelief, the anxiety, the fear of uncertainty will all die down of its own accord once you start to compete with yourself.




  • 基础非常弱,听不懂英语教学、对语感、语音语调,英语节奏和韵律缺乏理解。
  • 有一定的基础,自学觉得无趣,已经消化了第一季的内容 (针对初中级会员:Pre-intermediate level)
  • 了解整套学习体系,需要激活词汇量、短语及句型结构,提升口语流利和自信的。(针对中高级进阶: Intermediate to up-intermediate)




本次报名费:中高级进阶:699元;初中级带学:499元 语音语调专项训练:399

参与人数限制:每个小组6人 (每个主持最多带两组,根据参与情况,灵活选择分组或不分组)





Parker Tong:西安电子科技大学老师,六年口语教学经验、TESOL认证高级英语讲师;善长纠音、语音语调大班小班辅导。

Sophia 二月兰:毕业于哈师大英语系、曾任东莞雀巢公司翻译、秘书;英语培训学校、英语阅读沙龙创办人,多年英语教学经验,现于深圳干部老年大学任课。










精听英语 » 精听英语口语组队学习通告(2022夏季训练营)



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