

In order to better facilitate members of our group to take advantage of Movies and TV-shows to advance their English level, we developed an APP which not only supports all sorts of video formats, but also allows users to customize and speed up the process of their language acquisition, and infuse our learning journey with more passion and excitement.

Below are some of the features had been put into practice:

  • Switch subtitles (切换字幕)
  • Customize playback speed (自定义调节速度)

Below are the major features that had been put on the agenda:

  • loop a specified rage from point A to point B (A-B段重复,二周内上线)
  • LRC Player (可调节字幕的音频播放器,年内上线)

With a plethora of learning resources at our disposal, I believe this APP is going to spice up our learning experience in a whole new light. By featuring a MBWP(Mixing business with pleasure)approach, you guys would be empowered to constantly expose yourself in a situational-based environment, if you explore a specific scene from the Movies and TV-series that we singled out for you, and associate it with your daily communication, your brain will establish multiple layers to store the information effectively and memorize it deeply.

In addition to that, since this APP is dedicated to you, as a result, you guys could have a major say as in what features we should include and what features we should forgo. Now without further ado, please following the link below and get ready to roll:

招募5999 永久VIP会员(价格将不断上调):


  • 永久免费安排组队、一劳永逸解决资源、学习方法、学习体系及陪练人脉的问题
  • 赠送2T硬盘及超全学习资源,配合播放器使用爽歪歪
  • 免费邮寄所有我们所出品的纸质版资源(剧本、学习笔记、短语手册)
  • 永久免费使用我们的网站、APP及后面打算开发的语料库。

As I said, it is such a single-minded decision that we opted for an inclusive, dynamic yet arduous way in this information-exploded era, which is to embrace technological advancement and meanwhile maintain traditional legacy. I must say, I have been ploughing ahead with a long-standing passion to this end, regardless of whether we’re in an ideal business climate or not.  

 I’m fully convinced that, so long as our value is to create added value to our customers, we’ll always be on the right track, and I believe that’s one of the critical recipes for success. and I’ve always kept our service mantra in my mind since the day I incorporated this start-up company, that is to “find our customers the most effective means at the lowest cost”.

精听英语 » 关于精听英语播放器IOS版上线通知



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