
Horizon Next《未来领导力》:是纪录片High performance leadship《高效管理和领导力》的第五章,时长约11分55秒。这段剪辑以管理大师以及商业领袖的视角,向观众展示了当代领导力在执行过程中面临的问题及挑战、未来领导力所需要规划和思考的方向及重心、未来领导人个人发展的潮流与趋势、以及忧患意识和长足愿景在未来领导力认知与养成过程中所具备的战略意义。


Leaders of the future should strive to develop diverse teams and create an inclusive environment. They need to invest in upskilling employees while also finding ways to involve older employees and motivating employees of all ages to take control of their own career development.

1–One of the contemporary questions  关于领导力的当代问题之一是
2–of leadership today is, well, you know, leadership is very trendy. 今天的领导力,你知道,领导力是非常流行的
3–Right now. 现在
4–I call it adjective leadership. 我称之为带有修饰语的领导力
5–Adjective leaderships I guarantee, this week. 我敢肯定过去这一周
6–There’ll be three new books on leadership, 将会有三本关于领导力的新书
7–but they’ll have a different adjective either inner leadership or outer leadership, 但是他们会有一个不同的形容词,如内部领导,或者外部领导,
8–alien leadership, 国外领导力
9–historical leadership. 历史领导力
10–you know of the making of many books.  你知道许多书的制作过程
11–There is no end. 没有尽头
12–The problem that I have is that there’s two fundamental challenges in contemporary leadership 我的问题是,当代领导力有两个重要的挑战
13–number one is people don’t know why they want to lead. 第一,人们不知道他们为什么想要领导
14–They know they want to be leaders that’s different than wanting to lead. 他们知道他们想要成为领导者,这和想要领导是不同的
15–Because I realized when I was president of the University of Cincinnati, 因为我意识到当我还是辛辛那提大学的校长时
16–I wanted to be President. 我想得到校长的职位
17–I just didn’t want to do President. 但我不想履行校长的职责
18–Which was an impediment to his career. 这阻碍了他事业的进步
19–Because he wanted the position, 因为他想要这个职位
20–he didn’t want the responsibilities in a way. 在某种程度上,他并不想肩负责任
21–So number one is. 第一个是
22–I always begin when I work with leaders by asking a fundamental question当我和领导者一起工作时,我总是先问他们一个最基本的问题:
23–why do you want to lead? 你为什么想成为领导者?
24–Because the why’s got to proceed the word hows, 因为原因总是先于方法
25–we can only see the things we have words for, 我们只能看到我们能用语言表达的事物,
26–right and this is why the leader must provide a clear vision. 没错,这就是为什么领导者必须提供一个清晰的愿景
27–Why are we doing this? 我们为什么要这样做
28–Why are we in business in the first place? 我们做生意的初衷是什么
29–What is the point of growing the company that you’re growing? 你正在发展的公司发展的意义是什么
30–Everybody asks sort of what’s your growth? 每个人都会问你成长了吗?
31–What’s the point of the growth? 成长的意义是什么
32–In other words, 换句话说
33–you have a company. 你有一个公司
34–Why do you have that company? 你为什么要开那家公司?
35–What is the value of your company that’s offering to others, 你的公司能为他人提供什么价值,
36–and what? 和什么
37–What do you want your company to leave behind? 你希望你的公司留下什么
38–When you are gone? 当你离开的时候
39–There has to be a purpose for why your company exists 你的公司之所以存在,
40–beyond the things you make beyond the things you do beyond the money you make. 目的不仅仅是做自己喜欢的事,赚更多的钱
41–You had the purpose when you founded the company. 当你创办公司的时候,你就有了目标
42–otherwise you wouldn’t have taken the crazy risks to start it with the overwhelming chance of failure 否则你也不会冒着巨大的失败风险开始创业,
43–and people wouldn’t have given you bloods,  人们也不会给你付出心血,
44–sweat and tears that they didn’t believe in you,  汗水和眼泪,他们不相信你的话
45–because you are the author,  因为你是作者
46–you had the vision,  你有远见
47–you had the strength and they wanted your protection. 你有力量,他们想要你的保护
48–And they joined you and they gave you their bloods, 他们加入你,给了贡献了他们的心血、
49–sweat and tears because you gave them a sense of purpose and belonging in protection. 汗水和眼泪,因为你给了他们一种使命感和归属感
50–So the first thing you have to do when you are a leader when you are in a position of leadership 所以当你是一个领导者,当你处于领导地位时,
51–is to ask yourself what is my vision. 你要做的第一件事就是问自己我的愿景是什么
52–What are we trying to achieve? 我们的目标是什么
53–What are we trying to accomplish? 我们想要完成什么
54–Where am I taking the organization to? 我要把这个团队带到哪里去?
55–What is it that I am asking 我要我们的团队做什么?
56–my team? 我的团队吗
57–And the vision is not a strategy is not a goal. 愿景不是战略也不是目标
58–Is not your plan. 不是你的计划
59–Those are tools to accomplish your vision. 这些都是实现你愿景的工具
60–Vision is not to increase sales. 愿景不是为了增加销售额
61–Ten percent or to decrease costs 销售增长10%或者降低成本
62–By five percent. 5%
63–Vision is about a dream that you want to take everyone to. 愿景是一个你想带每个人去实现的梦想
64–Some of you say that’s about ideas, 有些人说这是关于想法
65–that vision is about the ideas to define them, 这个愿景是关于定义它们的想法
66–to communicate them and to make sure everyone understands it. 和他们交流,确保每个人都能理解
67–I agree, 我同意,
68–but I also think that to that vision, 但我也认为,为了这个愿景
69–you need to put emotion. 你需要投入热情
70–You need to know how to turn that vision, 你需要知道如何将这个愿景
71–that idea into emotions in yourself and in the team. 这种想法注意热情,传递给团队成员,对你自己以及对你的团队
72–Because the emotions is what makes you jump out of bed every morning. 因为热情是促使你每天早起的动力
73–It’s what makes your team jump out of bed every morning. 它让你的团队每天早上起床
74–And the emotions that making a difference, learning, 以及产生影响的情感,学习,
75–growing. 成长
76–really making a change in the world around you. 真会改变你周围的世界
77–Will you see what’s true for you, 你能明白什么对你来说是正确的
78–is also true for the people who work with you. 那么对和你一起工作的人也是如此
79–If, 如果
80–in order to function at optimal levels and be at your best, 为了达到最佳状态 以及达到你的最佳状态
81–you need to be light and you need to feel competent. 你需要变得轻松,你需要想信自己的能力
82–so do the people who work for you. 为你工作的人也是如此
83–Your people want to be light and they want to feel competent, 你的员工想要要变得轻松 他们想要觉得自己具备能力
84–so the more is a leader you can tell people that所以,作为一个领导者,你越告诉人们
85–you like them and tell them what you need them to do and you believe in their competence, 你喜欢他们 ,你需要他们做什么,你相信他们的能力
86–the more you’ll set up a constructive relationship for getting things done. 你就越能建立一种建设性的关系来完成工作
87–Strong leaders actually bring out the best in people. 强大的领导者能激发人最大的潜力
88–Being able to bring out the best in people 能否让人们发挥出最好的一面,
89–is largely based on the expectations that you have about them. 很大程度上取决于你对他们的期望
90–Leaders who treat people in a way that supports their self-confidence 能够增强自信心的领导
91–making it possible for people to achieve extraordinary things that they initially thought were impossible. 才能使人们有可能实现他们最初认为不可能实现的非凡成就
92–So if you want very, 所以如果你想
93–very high performance out of employees, 员工有更好的表南
94–well, 好吧
95–you, 你
96–You really have to listen to them a lot and respond correctly to them, 你必须多听他们说话,正确地回应他们,
97–and they will become fully committed and fully motivated to do the very best work. 他们会全身心投入,充满动力地把工作做到最好
98–I think it’s important. 我认为这很重要
99–In our work. 在我们的工作中
100–We talk about two different types of leaders there’s one leadership disposition that it’s about fear stoking. 我们讨论了两种不同类型的领导,其中一种领导倾向是“施加恐惧型”
101–they’re putting fear inside of people in order to get things done and hold them accountable. 他们把恐惧放在人们的内心,为了完成事情并让他们负责
102–Fear is a huge motivator and it frankly works. 恐惧是一种强大的助推剂,它确实有效
103–Otherwise they wouldn’t do it. 否则他们不会这么做
104–But it has debilitating impact over a long period of time. 但长期来看会有一定的消极作用
105–So if you’re interfering people and stoking their fears and anxiety 所以,如果你干涉别人,增加他们的恐惧和焦虑
106–it displaces their courage and causes them to be discouraged. ,就会使他们失去勇气,使他们气馁
107–We call those spillers because they’re spilling the courage of the people that worked there. 我们称这些为“灰心丧气者”,因为他们丧失了在那里工作的勇气
108–I contrast that with the other leadership disposition 我将其与另一种领导倾向与之进行对比,
109–and that is a leader who not just knock people into discomfort for the good of their own career, 发现这种倾向不会让人们为了自己的事业壮大而让员工感到不适
110–who sometimes is tough so that that person grows into new skills who doesn’t accept lower standards 他有时会很强硬,不接受较低的标准,继而学习新的技能,
111–and this person ends up putting courage inside of the individual. 最终会激发个人的勇气
112–they actually encourage them. 他们实际上是在鼓励他们
113–And so we call this person of filler, 所以我们称这个人为“鼓舞士气者”
114–so we can contrast between spiller’s and fillers and in my own life. 所以我们可以对比“灰心丧气者”和“鼓舞士气者”以我自己的生活
115–My own life is an example of this is that I reported to two people at the same time, 我自己的一个例子是,我同时向两个人报告,
116–when I worked for Accenture one of the world’s largest management consulting companies 当我在世界上最大的管理咨询公司之一的埃森哲工作时,
117–and one of the leaders would look at a situation and they would go. 一个领导者会看到一个情况,然后离开
118–Look at that. 看看这个
119–That’s a problem. 这是一个问题
120–Do you realize how that puts us at risk? 你知道这会给我们带来怎样的风险吗
121–That is a problem that’s getting ready to explode and if you don’t handle that, 这是一个即将爆发的问题,如果你不处理它,
122–you’re going to be in big trouble. 你会有大麻烦的
123–This is on you. 这是你的责任
124–Do you understand? 能理解吗?
125–so it’s motivating me to be really conscientious by their fear. 他们的恐惧激励着我认真对待
126–I want you to be afraid. 我要你害怕
127–The other leader that I reported to him at the same time would look at a very similar situation. 与此同时,我向他汇报的另一个领导也面临着非常类似的情况
128–Kind of go 大概就像这样,
129–Well, 好吧
130–Bill. 比尔
131–There’s a lot of opportunities there. 现在那里有很多机会
132–There are a lot of poppertunities to be there, 将来还有很多机会,
133–and if you were able to clean that situation up, 如果你能解决这个问题
134–I think it’ll be good for your career because you’ve been trying to develop these skills, 我认为这对你的职业生涯有好处,因为你一直在努力培养这些技能
135–and if you think about it, 如果你想一下,
136–this situation is ripe for the development of those skills. 当下的情况是为发展这些技能所准备的
137–I’m going to help you. I’m going to support you. 我将帮助你、支持你
138–I know it’s going to be hard, 我知道这很难
139–but I’m here with you. 但我和你齐心协力
140–And which one do you think I rather would work for? 你认为我更愿意为哪一个领导工作?
141–Now, 现在
142–both of them are gonna do a good job for it. 他们两个都会做得很好
143–I’m going to be very afraid. 我会非常害怕的
144–I’m not screwing up for this person, 我不会为这个人搞砸的
145–and I’ll do a good job, 我会做好的
146–but I want to impress this person and do a good job. 但是我想给这个人留下好印象,同时做好工作
147–The distinction to me comes down to this. 对我来说,区别就在于此
148–The most overused phrase in the history of business. 商业史上最被滥用的问题是
149–What keeps you awake at night? 什么事让你晚上睡不着觉?
150–What keeps you awake at night? 什么事让你晚上睡不着觉?
151–Why are we proud to answer what keeps you awake at night为什么我们要骄傲地回答那些让你夜不能寐的问题,
152–as if fear and anxiety is some badge of leadership honor? 仿佛恐惧和焦虑是领导力的荣誉
153–What keeps you awake at night gets you talking about your fears, 让你夜不能寐的东西让你谈论你的恐惧
154–The risks that are out there, 风险是存在的
155–the problems, 这些问题
156–the things we have to be critical about. 我们必须批判地看待这些事情
157–I’d rather work for a leader with to talk about what gets him up in the morning. 我宁愿为领导工作,和他谈论早上是什么让他起床
158–One of the things that I’ve personally found. 我个人发现的一件事是,
159–an experience working for almost forty years now. 到现在已经有将近四十年的工作经验了
160–doing this is that one of the key ingredients 这样做的关键因素之一
161–is having leaders really understand and come to terms with what their personal purposes. 就是让领导者真正理解并达成他们的个人目标
162–In other words, 换句话说
163–how do they make a difference? 它们如何发挥作用
164–What is it that they can do? 他们能做什么?
165–How do they create meaning in their lives? 他们如何让生活更富有意义
166–What gets them up in the morning going through a horrendous day? 是什么让他们不惧恐怖而早起
167–If you will, 如果你愿意
168–with a lot of crisis and what I’ve concluded is that purpose is gotta be the driving force. 在很多危机中,我的结论是目标就是驱动力
169–and so I personally have done a lot of work on my purpose and so simply stated, 所以我个人为了我的目的做了很多工作简单地说
170–I’m committed to being a catalyst for personal transformation to enable possibilities我致力于成为个人转变的催化剂,来创造无限可能性,
171–and the exciting news for me as I get a chance to apply that to all of my engagements, 好消息是我有机会将它投入自己的工作中
172–because essentially, 因为从本质上讲
173–what I’m doing is helping them transform themselves. 我所做的是帮助他们改变自己
174–so I’m not doing it, 所以我不做了
175–but we’re creating the environment where they can do it themselves, 但我们正在创造一种他们可以自己动手的环境
176–which is much more powerful. 这更强大
177–You will make mistakes, 你会犯错误
178–and are you going to be able to get up off the ground when you get smacked down and keep driving当你被撞到的时候,你还能从地面上站起来继续驾驶吗?
179–that is persistence, resilience, because it is very important. 这就是坚持,韧劲,这非常重要
180–It’s okay to make a mistake. 犯错误没什么大不了的
181–Making a mistake has great value. 犯错误有很大的价值
182–you can go down and admit to the person. 你可以委身向向别人承认错误
183–Oh, 哦
184–I made a mistake. 我犯了一个错误
185–I’m very sorry, 我很抱歉
186–I apologize. 我道歉
187–You’ve got to apologize for your bad leadership. 你得为你的糟糕领导能力道歉
188–The best thing to do when they, 最好的办法是
189–when you find out some bad leaderships as say, 当你发现一些糟糕的领导
190–Oh, 哦
191–It’s my fault. 这是我的错
192–I apologize for making a mistake and not giving you good enough at all. 我为我犯了错误,没有给你足够好的领导而道歉
193–So go out and make your mistakes. 所以大胆去做,别怕犯错
194–That’s how I learned, 这就是我的经验之谈
195–and it’s fine. 它很好
196–But if you admit to them by the way, 但如果你承认了
197–admission of an error is something that you need to have all employees do so when you admit to them. 当你承认错误时,你需要让所有的员工都承认错误
198–If the boss can admit to them I certainly could admit to mine, 如果老板都能承认错误,我当然也能
199–otherwise, 否则
200–they’re going to be hiding them. 他们要把他藏起来
201–so it’s something you you want to take advantage of your mistakes. 所以你要利用你的错误
202–don’t feel bad for your mistakes. 不要为你的错误感到难过
203–Feel bad if you don’t correct them and go down and admit. 如果你不纠正他们,坦率地承认
204–I’ve made that mistake, 因为我犯了那个错误,
205–but this is the way I’m gonna correct it. 但这就是我要纠正的方法
206–So get out there, 所以大胆尝试
207–get out there. 大胆尝试
208–in practice. 付诸实践
209–And I think the most important thing that a new leader can have stepping into a role is humility, 我认为,一个新领导者在担任一个角色时,最重要的是要谦逊,
210–is understanding that they’re going to learn that they are going to make mistakes 要明白他们将认知到他们会犯错误,
211–and to. . . you know to approach the scenarios, 并且要提出各种解决方案,
212–something where they’re going to have to grow into. 他们必须成长的地方
213–and and I think having that kind of mindset 我认为,有了这种心态,
214–will immediately endear the people who are working with you and around you. 你的同事和周围的人会立刻喜欢上你
215–They’re not looking for a perfect leader. 他们并不是在寻找一个完美的领导者
216–they want a leader that cares about them, 他们想要一个关心他们的领导
217–and he’s going to help them try to be better and I think as a new leader. 他会帮助他们变得更好,我认为做为一个新的领导者
218–If you remember that that they expect you to be human, 记得他只是期望你会和大家一样
219–that you’re going to make mistakes and that as long as you learn and care for the people who are working with you, 你会犯错误,只要你学会并关心在这里工作的人
220–that’s the most important thing that you can do. 这是你能做的最重要的事情
221–Throughout history, 纵观历史
222–a fairly regular intervals. 有规律的间隔
223–Somebody presents us with a new song. 有人给我们献了一首新歌
224–Somebody. 有人
225–Has a new idea. 有新想法
226–Somebody. 有人
227–Has a concept, a new product 有新产品的概念
228–It’s really fascinating to watch what happens when that first new idea is put out there. 看到第一个新想法付诸实施会发生什么,真的很有趣
229–people kind of go, 人们会说
230–Whoa, 哇
231–I’m not sure. 我不确定
232–That’s not gonna work, 这是行不通的,
233–or how is that gonna work? 或者这是怎么回事?
234–And if it’s a good idea, 如果这是个好主意
235–it survives and then in a very short period of time later它存活了下来,然后在很短的一段时间后
236–you find what was kind of an eccentric idea as all of a sudden become a mainstream idea, 你会发现这个古怪的想法突然间变成了主流观点
237–and we all got to have it. 我们都必须拥有它
238–We’ve seen this with the ipod. 我们已经在ipod上看到了这一点
239–We’ve seen this with all of the kind of digital technology, 我们已经看到了数字技术带来的众多改变
240–those that ignored the faint signals from the periphery and we were not open to the new,  那些故步自封,因循守旧的人
241–crazy ideas of the time ended up on the rubbish heap. 把当时的疯狂想法最终都被扔进了垃圾堆
242–People like Kodak. It is a perfect example. 像柯达这样的公司就是一个很好的例子
243–They had the market. 他们曾拥有市场
244–They lost it. The story after story after story. 他们失去了这样的故事一个接一个
245–of companies who failed to follow their instincts on a new idea and outlandish idea,  直觉,那些本能上不接受新思想和古怪想法的公司
246–a crazy idea. 一个疯狂的想法
247–It was just slightly ahead of its time, 它只是稍微领先于它的时代
248–but all of a sudden went mainstream. 但突然间,它变成了朝流
249–And when that tipping point arrives, 当临界点到来时
250–you cannot make up for the lost opportunity. 你不能弥补失去的机会
251–Ah. 啊


精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第88期:未来领导力



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