

Narrator: An odd thing happens when we die. 人死后会发生一件奇怪的事

——>> Our senses vanish. 几种感官相继消失

——>> Taste, touch, smell, and sound 味觉 触觉 嗅觉和听觉

——>> become a distant memory, 都成了遥远的记忆

——>> but our sight 除了视觉

——>> ah, our sight expands, 我们的视野反而开阔许多

——>> and we can suddenly see the world 我们能把曾身处的世界

——>> we’ve left behind so clearly. 看得很清楚

——>> Of course, most of what’s visible to the dead 当然 逝者所能看到的东西

——>> could also be seen by the living, 生者也能看见

——>> if they’d only take the time to look. 只要他们肯花时间驻足观看

——>> Like my friend Gabrielle. 比如我朋友加布丽尔

——>> I should have seen how unhappy she was, 我早该看见她有多不开心

——>> but I didn’t. 但我没有

——>> I only saw her clothes from Paris… 我只看见她那些巴黎定购的时装

——>> and her platinum jewelry… 那些铂金珠宝

——>> and her brand-new diamond watch. 和崭新的钻石手表

——>> Had I looked closer, 如果我仔细观察

——>> I’d have seen that Gabrielle was a drowning woman 我会看见加布丽尔是一个溺水的女人

——>> desperately in search of a life raft. 急切地寻找着救生筏

——>> Luckily for her, she found one. 幸运的是 她找到一个

——>> Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener 加布丽尔只是让年轻的园丁

——>> as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. 给她的生活添点色彩

——>> But now she was about to discover 不过她马上就会发现

——>> just how exciting her life could get. 她的生活会如此多姿多彩

Vanish(消失不见、失去影踪; 消亡、灭绝)

1、If someone or something vanishes, they disappear suddenly or in a way that cannot be explained.(disappear Become available, 感官上体会不到 )

2If something such as a species of animal or a tradition vanishes, it stop existing.(extinct Become unknown,原本有的东西烟消云散,成为了历史 )

Most of what’s visible to the dead could also been seen by the living if they’d only take the time to look. (介词+宾语从句做主语以及搭配虚拟语气的用法)

E.G.1:Bodies produce very little DHA on their own, so the majority of what’s needed should come from foods and supplements.

E.G.2:Most of what’s effective to corporations could also be applied to local authorities if they’d be willing to swallow their pride/get off their high horse and consult with corporate elite group.



1、Able to be seen.

2、able or likely to attract public attention and be noticed.

PlatinumA valuable metal that is silver in color, does not react easily with other elements, and is used in jewelry and in industry. (白金、铂金)

Brand-new:Completely new, especially not yet used. (全新的、崭新的)

Had I looked closer:(If I only looked closer)——>> Inversion(倒装句)


E.G. If I had been there(Had I been there), this problem wouldn’t have happened.

If I had been older(Had I been old),I would have seen more.

欧文点评:Here Mary Alice admits that she didn’t pay attention before. Or in other words, she’s not attentive to Gabrielle’s life and problems. She regrets that in pursuit of her life and happiness, she did not spend enough time to get a closer look at Gaby’s.

Infuse sth with sth(为……注入活力、动力、激情、能力等正面因素)

E.G. (Rex said to Bree in S01E14:)

Bree, you are not gonna regret taking this journey with me. This is gonna infuse our marriage with more passion than you can imagine.

Be about to do sthBe going to do sth, this expression allows us to express an imminent action, or a very near future. (马上或即将做某事)




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