
Bree在本段场景最后提到:“我们真的有那么想要了解自己的邻居吗?” 这句话居然被当成了老生常谈的话题,看到这里,我不由得反思:这是对世俗的嘲讽,还是对人心的拷问? 不知道从什么时候开始,人与人之间的隔阂开始被不断的放大。不知道从什么开始,我们的时间不再用来交付给双亲和至友,更不用说所谓的远亲和近邻了。



Narrator: The peaceful facade of Wisteria Lane had recently been shattered, 紫藤郡平静的表面已经被打破

——>> first by my suicide…首先­是我自杀

——>> and then by the discovery of a note among my belongings 然后是我遗物中的纸条被发现

——>> that suggested a suspicious reason for my desperate act.  暗示我自杀的原因很可疑

——>> My friends gathered to discuss its implications. 我的朋友们聚在一起探讨它的含义

SusanI think we should give it to Paul. 我觉得我们应该把这个给保罗

Gaby: He’s still mourning, Susan. 他还在悲痛中, 苏珊

——>> He’ll probably freak out. 他会气急败坏的

SusanIt doesn’t matter. She was his wife. 这不是关键 她是他妻子

——>> He deserves to have all the facts. 他应该知道事情的真相

Bree: Well, we could do it gently. 我们可以说的婉转点

——>> We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry. 比如在闲聊的时候告诉他

Lynette: That would be fun. 真有意思

——>> “Paul, we have proof your wife killed herself” 保罗 我们发现你老婆自杀

——>> over some deep, dark secret. 是因为她有不可告人的秘密

——>> Another bear claw? “还要些熊爪糕吗”

Gaby: We could always call the police. 我们可以报警

Lynette: Maybe it’s just some sort of sick joke. 可能只是个变态玩笑

Bree: Well, if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste. 如果这是个玩笑 那也太低级了

SusanNo, this was serious. I know it was. 不 我敢肯定这是认真的

——>> We got to find out what was going on. 我们得弄明白到底发生了什么

Lynette: Let’s say we do. 就算弄明白了

——>> There’s a chance we’re not going to like what we find. 也可能不是我们想要的结果

SusanWell, isn’t it worse to be in the dark? 总比一头雾水的好

——>> I mean, imagining she did all these horrible things. 想着她也许做了什么可怕的事情

Bree: It’s the age-old question, isn’t it? 又回到老问题上了

——>> How much do we really want to know about our neighbors? 我们对邻居到底想要了解多少?

Façade(建筑物的外观,尤指正面; 某种用以蛊惑人心的表象) 

1、the front of a building, especially a large or attractive building.

2、A false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are.

Shatter(使破碎、裂开; 使粉碎、破灭; 使惊愕、难受)

1、To make something suddenly break into small pieces.

2、To destroy sth completely, especially someone’s feelings, hopes or beliefs.

3、To make someone feel extremely shocked and upset.

E.G.1:I was dusting yesterday, and, well, it just fell, the glass shattered, and ugh. I took it to the framer. It’ll be back in a jiffy. (绝望的主妇:S05E16)

E.G.2:Sadly, Susan’s life had been shattered once again but as always, her friends had come to help pick up the pieces. (绝望的主妇:S02E22)

E.G.3:When Alma left me, I was shattered. I realize now it was the luckiest day of my life. (绝望的主妇 S03E01)

Suggest(提议、建议; 暗示、表明; 使联想、想起)

1、to mention an idea, possible plan, or an action, a proposal for other people to consider

2、to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly

3、If one thing suggests another, it brings it to your mind through an association of ideas.

E.G. (Susan said to Ian in S03E10) Orson was committed to a mental institution for over a year. Doesn’t that suggest he’s some sort of…?


1、feeling doubt or a lack of trust.

2、making one feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong.

GatherWhen people or animals gather, they come together in a group.(聚集、组队)

Implication(暗示、含义; 可能引发的后果; 涉及、牵涉)

1、an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly:

E.G.2 but I resent the implication that I would do anything that’s not in the best interest of our daughter. (摩登家庭 S02E07)

The implication being that you somehow tripped and fell into her lady parts?

2、the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future.

E.G.:Don’t say we don’t have company. That has negative social implications. (生活大爆炸S01E01)

3、The fact of being involved, or of involving sb in sth, especially a negative matter.

E.G.1 I did no such thing, and any implication otherwise from within this firm is actionable. (金装律师 S02E14)

E.G.2 but I resent the implication that I would do anything that’s not in the best interest of our daughter. (摩登家庭 S02E07)

Freak (someone) out(使……害怕、震惊;抓狂,发疯,失去控制)

  1. To startle or frighten someone. (Make sb scared/shocked)
  2. To give rise to panic, to be extreme anxious
  3. To suddenly express anger or excitement in a very visible way. (lose control, out of one’s mind)
  4. To experience jarring and frightening side effects due to drug use.(freakout/freak-out:吸毒产生的错觉或反常行为)


1、使…害怕,使……震惊,吓, 此时用法为freak sb. out 或 freak out sb., 为及物动词词组。

E.G.:You freak me out! (你吓死我了!);

2、害怕,惊慌,紧张,此时用法为freak out,为不及物动词词组。
E.G.:Woah, don’t freak out, it’s not the end of the world.(喔,别害怕,还没到世界末日呢。);

3、抓狂,发疯,失去控制。其实freak out 在“失去控制”这个用法之内,还有一个表示情绪波动很大的那种用法,大致是这种感觉:“啊,我要赞美上苍”,或者,你想表达“我要炸了”。

E.G.:If I don’t get this thing done I’m going to freak out!  如果我不把事情做完,我会疯掉的。

Do it GentlyTo do something in a calm, kind or soft manner, or without force or rush. (以一种冷静、友好、温柔的方式做事,不急躁、不蛮干)

Sick jokeSomething that makes you feel sick to your stomach, nauseous, or just wants to make you throw up. However, the sickness that you feel is usually not physical sickness, but rather a type of psychological sickness.(令人厌烦的玩笑、变态的玩笑)

In poor tasteIf you say that something that is said or done is in bad taste or in poor taste, you mean that it is offensive, often because it concerns death or sex and is inappropriate for the situation. (不合时宜的、令人反感的)

In the darkIn a state of ignorance. (被蒙在鼓里、对事情一无所知)

Age-oldVery old, or having existed for a long time. (年代久远的、老生常谈的)


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