

[riplus-video url=”https://s01.zhufubang.com/public/desperate-housewives-s02e09-clips1.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610606801-25b2916b5c49db6.jpg” is_logo=”1″]



Lynette:You fired Stu?你把Stu开了?
Nina:Oh,lynette,hey.Come on in.嗨,Lynette进来吧
Lynette:I can’t believe you would sink so low.我不敢相信你能这么卑鄙

注解:sink so low:字面意思下沉很低,形容一个人没有下线,卑鄙,堕落

——>>I’m going to Ed.我要去找Ed
Nina:Ed knows. This is stu’s employee evaluation file right here. Ed知道,这是Stu的员工考核表


——>>This thing is full of black marks.上面全是不良记录

注解:black mark:污点;不良记录;不足之处

Lynette:Come on,nina. We both know why you got rid of him.少来了,我们都心知肚明你开除他的原因

注解: got rid of摆脱除掉

Nina:Well,good luck proving it.那就祝你好运能证明这一点吧
——>>Oh,and on a completely unrelated topic,哦,另外一个完全不相关的话题
——>>there’s going to be another round of firings coming down the pike.新一轮的裁员要开始了

注解:another round 新一轮

             coming down the pike出现,发生

——>>Ed’s been after me to trim the fat. Ed一直催我裁掉多余员工

注解: trim the fat;trim修剪,trim the fat裁除多余员工
Lynette: You threatening me? – 你威胁我?
Nina:No,no. Unh-unh.It’s just that it’s gonna be my job to evaluate those who are team players,不不,我的工作只是衡量谁是有团队精神的人

注解:team player:指具有团队精神的人,良好合作对象

——>>and those who are not.以及谁不是而已
——>>Just a little heads up.只是一个警告

注解:heads up:小心;警告
——>>Just trying to be nice.尝试友善一点嘛


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