
精听英语视频号第115期:看美剧《金装律师》学地道商务表达 |哈维徒弟“麦克·罗斯”履历作弊快要曝光,不料“瘟神”驾到!|学前思考:“有更要紧的事去做”、“拯救某人于危难之中”英语怎么说?

541–I know you know what I did. 我知道你看穿我的小把戏了

542–You baited Louis into working with Ross, 你诱导路易把工作交给罗斯

Bait:a person or thing that is used to catch sb or attract them, for example to make them do what you want. (引诱某人做某事、作名词用时通常指鱼饵或诱惑物)

543–So if he leaves abruptly, 如果罗斯突然被辞退

Abruptly:suddenly and unexpectedly. (突然地、意外地、陡峭地)商务英语里通常用来形容某种猛烈的上升或下降趋势。

544–Louis will start asking questions. 路易会猜疑的

545–I said I knew you knew. Now you’re just showing off. 我说我知道被你看穿了 你还要再炫耀一下

Show off:boastfully display one’s abilities or accomplishments. (炫耀某种能力或成就,包括晒幸福、秀奢侈品、卖弄姿色等)

546–You think I’m gonna let you get away with it? 你觉得我会放你一马吗

Get away with sth:to manage to do something bad without being punished or criticized for it. (做缺德事或干违法勾出当免于受到遣责或处罚)

547–I think we’ve got bigger fish to fry. 我觉得我们得分清轻重缓急

get bigger fish to fry:to have something more important to do. (有更重要的事情去做)

548–Alicia Hardman’s dead, 艾丽西娅·哈德曼去世了

549–which means Daniel Hardman’s coming back. 这意味着丹尼尔·哈德曼要回来了

550–You don’t know that. 那可不一定

551–Yes, I do. And so do you. 不 我确定 你心里也清楚

552–No, you’re just using this situation 你只是想利用这个

553–to get Mike Ross out of the crosshairs. 让我放迈克·罗斯一马

Get sb out of the crossshairs:上期我们学过:put sb in one’s crosshairs(将某人推向风口浪尖或置于易受攻击的处境),这个意思正好相反:拯救某人于危难或水火之中。

554–Need I remind you 要不要我提醒你

555–that the only reason we were able to 我们当初能够

556–get rid of the other half of Pearson Hardman 踢走律所另一个合伙人

557–in the first place was by threatening to tell her about his affair? 全靠威胁丹尼尔要把外遇的事告诉他老婆

558–That was the means, not the end. 那只是手段 不是目的

559–We had a good reason, and you know that. 你也知道 我们的初衷是好的

560–That’s not my point. 我想说的不是这个

561–Alicia’s dead. Our leverage is gone. 艾丽西娅死了 我们的筹码没了

Leverage:the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens. (谈判筹码、成事手段、影响力等可以让你掌控局势的有利条件)

562–That was five years ago. 那是五年前的事情了

563–A lot can happen in five years. 五年时间里能发生很多事

564–And what Daniel Hardman’s been doing for the last five years 而丹尼尔·哈德曼在过去的五年里

565–is dreaming of the day he comes back 就一直梦想着他回来的那一天

566–and screws us both out of our jobs. 然后把咱俩都除掉


1、to twist sth around fasten one thing to another in order to tight them together. (把…固定、狞牢、旋紧)

2、(slang):to cheat sb, especially by making them pay too much money for sth. (忽悠或诈骗他人钱财)

3、(slang):to have sex with sb. (与人性交)

4、(slang):an offensive way of showing that you’re annoyed or do not care about sb /sth. (去他妈的;见他的鬼去吧!后面一般接人称或物主代词。)

Screw sb out of sth:To cheat, swindle, or unfairly deprive one out of something that one owns, deserves, or has earned.

精听英语 » 精听英语视频号第115期:看美剧《金装律师》学英语



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