
看美剧《绝望的主妇》学英语:Susan无意制造场面,却不料起到博人眼球的效果。学前思考:Make/Creat a scene是什么意思?



Sweetie, can I help you?  亲爱的 我能帮助你吗

Nope. Don’t mind me. I’m just… 不用 别管我 我这是在

Adjusting the… 做些调整

That is really stuck on good, huh?  这玩意黏得还真牢啊

介词+Good的用法,用以强调永久性或难以改变的事物特征。例:So if you’re not sure he’s back for good, why are you ironing his shirts? (绝望的主妇S01E10,Lynette said to Bree)

What are you doing? 你在干吗呢

Andre submitted these without my consent. 安德烈未经我同意就把这些提交了

They were meant to be private. I really want them back. 这些本来就属于隐私 我想要回来

Meant to be:注定要、本来应……(高频短语)

Oh, jeez! How many screws have you got in there? 老天 你到底钉了多少钉子在里面啊

Stop it! 住手

The only way they’re coming down is if somebody buys them.  能取下它们的唯一办法 就是有人买下来

Felix, please, please give them back. 费利克斯拜托了 拜托把它们还给我

No one can see these!  不该让任何人看见的

Oh, you’re clever.  你可真聪明

Creating a scene like a crazy artist.演了一出疯子艺术家的闹剧

凡是制造引发围观或博人眼球的场景都可以用“Creat/make a scene”此短语。

There is not a person in this room 现在这屋子里没人

who isn’t looking this way. 不往这边看了

You’re a genius. 你真是天才

No! No, I’m not a genius. I swear. 不不 我不是天才 我发誓

I just need the paintings! 我只是要放下这些画

Keep it up. Keep it up. 继续演 继续演

I’m gonna grab the photographer from the “Sentinel.” 我要去把《哨兵》的摄影师找来

注意这里的“Grab”用法,它是指“抓住机会以争取某事”; The sentinel:这里应理解为某个名称为“哨兵”的杂志或摄影公司。

The crazier, the better. 越疯狂 越有卖点

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