

Eight years ago, I was a young man, full of idealism and vigor, and look at me now.
I am gray and grizzled, just counting down the days ’til my death panel.
Death penal的意思是死刑,这里是幽默地指最后被上帝判死刑。
Hillary once questioned whether I’d be ready for a 3 a.m. phone call — now I’m awake anyway because I’ve got to go to the bathroom. I’m up.
I’ve got to是I have got to的缩写,它等于I have to,表示“必须”,不过更口语、更接地气。
不过它在有的地方也表示其他意思,比如川普这次演讲里讲了几次I’ve got to know them,意思是“我在过程中认识了他们”,是现在完成时。
In fact, somebody recently said to me, Mr. President, you are so yesterday; Justin Trudeau has completely replaced you —he’s so handsome, he’s so charming, he’s the future.
And I said, Justin, just give it a rest.
I resented that.
许多常常误把hate当成“讨厌”,那是不对的,hate是“恨”,感情色彩太强烈。“讨厌”对应的是resent和dislike,不过这连个词都太书面,口语里面这么讲会比较奇怪,所以一般就直接说I don’t like。
Meanwhile, Michelle has not aged a day. The only way you can date her in photos is by looking at me. Take a look.
Here we are in 2008.
Here we are a few years later.
And this one is from two weeks ago.
So time passes.
In just six short months, I will be officially a lame duck, which means Congress now will flat-out reject my authority. And Republican leaders won’t take my phone calls.
And this is going to take some getting used to, it’s really going to — it’s a curve ball. I don’t know what to do with it.
这里的getting used to整体构成了一个名次结构,也就是get used to名词化。Get used to我们翻译成“习惯”,其实这不算特别准确,中文中“习惯”既是一个状态也是一个过程,而英语是不同的。
Lame Duck:跛脚鸭 (1、无能的人或物;2、即将卸任的主事干部或官员)
Be accustomed to是表示“习惯”这个状态,而get used to是表达“经过一个过程来习惯”。
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