

《Young Shelton》S01E01片段中英对照:

299–This is a stupid idea. 这就是个烂主意

300–This boy does not belong in our school. 这孩子就不该来上我们学校

301–Come on Vicky,  it’s just the first day. 别这样维琪  第一天上课而已

302–Why don’t we all just take a deep breath here? 我们大家先全都深呼吸一下

303–The hell with that.  Five minutes into my math class, 深个毛呼吸  我的数学课才上5分钟

304–he questioned my credentials. 他就开始质疑我的文凭

注解:Credentials:资格证书; 国书;(任何证明人的能力、资格等的)证书; 资格

305–How am I supposed to control a classroom when a kid accuses me一个孩子质疑我违反了卫生条例的情况下

306–of being in breach of the hygiene code? 我还怎么管住一个班

注解:in breach of违反,和上期更新片段中的in violation of是近义词组


307–Well,  Hubert,  it wouldn’t kill you to shower a little more often. 休伯特  你多洗洗澡也不会死啊

308–George,  you want to weigh in here? 乔治  你想说两句吗

注解:weigh in here 指想在交谈说两句,发表意见或是插一嘴

309–Oral Roberts University is a wonderful school. 奥洛尔罗伯茨大学是一所好大学

310–He said I was intimidated by his intelligence, 他说我对他的聪明才智感到威胁

311–and then, 然后呢

312–he offered to be my leader. 他提议来当我的领导


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