


1–Is that the demolation place ?是拆迁局吗?
2–Could you help me to destroy my school, please.你能帮我炸了我的学校吗?
3–Just bear with me a second.请稍等一下
5–What school do you go to你上的什么学校
6–I go to school in Dopeland我在多普兰德上学
7–and you want to demolish it你想要毁掉它
8–Do you use a big racking baller你是用一个超大的架子球把它砸了吗?
9–when you to knock it down你是用一个超大的架子球把它砸了吗?
10–A big rack, a big ball ?一个大架子,一个大球?
11–Hold on one second, please,请稍等一下
13–How are you?My name’s Becky.你好吗?我的名字叫贝基。
15–I have a proposal for you.我有买卖给你们
16–Go ahead说吧
17–你是负责拆房的吗? Are you the demolation man?
19–You are the top boss?你是负责人吗
20–Go ahead,what’s the crack?接着说,发生了什么事?
21–I want you to help me destroy my school.我要你帮我毁了我的学校。
22–You want to blow it up ?你想炸掉它吗?
23–Could you blow it up or knock it down?你能炸了它还是拆了它?
24–Whatever whatever you want done都可以….你想怎样都可以
25–I’ll blow it up, that will be better.我把它炸了,这样会更好。
26–Could you make sure that你推倒它的时能保证所有的老师都在里面吗?
27–all my teachers are in there你推倒它时能保证所有的老师都在里面吗?
28–when you knock it down.你推倒它的时能保证所有的老师都在里面吗?
29–Nobody likes them ,right?没人喜欢他们,对吧?
30–Well, nobody likes them.嗯,没人喜欢他们。
31–They give me extra homework他们周五会给我额外的作业,还有其他的。
32–on a Friday and everything.他们周五会给我额外的作业,还有其他的。
33–Where are you calling from你从哪里打来的
34–From Dublin?从都柏林?
35–What school in Dublin?都柏林的哪个学校?
36–The one that’s about to fall down.快垮的那个
37–There’s a lot of schools in Dublin那都柏林的很多学校都要垮了
38–that are about to fall down那都柏林的很多学校都要垮了
39–and how much would it cost把学校夷为平地要花多少钱?
40–to knock it to the ground.把学校夷为平地要花多少钱?
41–It depends how big it is这取决于它有多大
42–Give me a ballpark finger给我一个大概的手指(小女孩口误了)
45–Is this a demolish company or a joke factory这是拆迁公司还是笑话工厂
46–It’s the joke factory at the minute暂时是笑话工厂

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