


《Desperate housewives》S05E08片段中英对照剧本:


Bree Spare me your “darling,” Sandra.少来“亲爱的”,桑德拉

注解:spare me饶了我,放过我,相当于少来了,别假客气了

——>>I know you’ve been trying to dig up dirt on me.我知道你一直想挖我的黑料

注解:dig up dirt on挖丑闻,挖黑料

SandraI’m,just doing my job.我只是在做我的工作而已

——>>And frankly,I didn’t have to dig all that hard.坦白说,也没那么难挖

注解:frankly坦白说,和to be honest是近义词组,frankly更偏向坦白一些负面观点评价

Bree I wrote a cookbook,Sandra…我写了一本食谱,桑德拉

——>>Meatloaf,pot pies,peach cobbler.肉饼,肉派,桃子派

——>>Why are you trying to crucify me?为什么你要往死了逼我呢?


SandraBecause it’s not a cookbook, Bree.因为这不是一本食谱,布里

——>>It’s a “look how great I am” book…是一本“看看我多棒”的书

——>>One designed to make every woman who reads it feel like a failure它让每一个女人觉得失败

——>>if she doesn’t measure up.如果她们没有达到这个标准

注解:measure up 合格;符合标准

——>>What you’re selling’s a total sham.你卖的东西就是个骗局

注解:a total sham骗局;sham 欺骗,假冒,假货;total经常被用来加强形容程度高

Bree But it isn’t,Sandra,不是的,桑德拉

——>>because I don’t think I’m great.因为我不觉得我很棒

——>>I have fallen down more times than I can count,我跌倒的次数多到我自己都数不清

——>>Just like so many other housewives out there.就像其他主妇那样

——>>We’re all just barely holding on,我们都只是咬牙坚持

注解:barely holding on:咬紧牙关,勉强支撑;barely仅仅,勉强

              holding on撑住,坚持

——>>and we all think that we’re alone.并且我们觉得我们并不是一个人

——>>So maybe you’re right. Maybe it isn’t a cookbook.也许你是对的,可能它并不是一本食谱

——>>It’s a lifeline from me to those other women,它是其他女性的救生索


——>>Because I want them to know因为我想让她们知道

——>>there’s always a chance to get something right…总能把事情做好的

——>>Even if it’s just a casserole.哪怕只是一碗砂锅菜


SandraWhy did’t you just tell me that right up front,Bree?你怎么一开始不告诉我呢?布里

注解:right up front:一开始,之前;同时还可以指队列或者座位的前排

SandraThat’s an angle I can work with.我可从这个新角度入手

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