


片段场景介绍:Louis代理了一家液态水公司的案子,对手是一家巨头旗下的子公司,已经通过媒介手段对液态水公司大肆诬陷抹黑,Louis决定以『虚假广告宣传』反诉对手达勒姆食品公司, 在Mike的协助下,对达勒姆做了全方位的调查,包括对他们负责市场研究的副总裁Kevin,也是做足了功课,之后Louis通过“同理心”戳中Kevin的痛点,接着实施激将法,将Kevin争取到站在了自己这边。








Louis: Just admit it. Your research suggests that consumers believe your water tastes like shit.  快承认吧,你们的调查表明:消费者认为你公司的水尝起来难喝死了
Kevin turn to his lawyer:Do I have to answer that? 我有必要回答吗?
Louis: Mr. Kessler is aware of the fact that his company’s product 凯斯勒先生深知他们公司的水
——>> can’t compete with ours ’cause it tastes like shit, 质量低劣,无法与我方一较高低
——>> And they resorted to filing a bogus lawsuit against us in a desperate attempt to hide that fact. 并企图用一场徒劳的诉讼做最后一搏,以掩饰这一事实。
Kevin’s lawyer:You don’t have to answer that. 我没有必要回应你。
Louis: Kevin, right? How long have you worked at Durham Foods? 凯文,对吧?你在达勒姆食品公司供职多久了?
Kevin22 years. I started right out of college. 22年,大学一毕业就开始了
Louis: That’s dedication. I admire that. What’s your current title? 很有奉献精神,我敬重你,你目前的职务是什么?KevinVice-president of market research. 市场研究副总裁
Louis:  it says here, three years ago,you applied for senior vice president,  这上面说 三年前你申请了高级副总裁的职位
——>> But they gave the job to an Alan Stansby instead, 但最终这职位给了一个叫亚伦·斯坦博
——>> a man who had been at the company far shorter than you. 他在公司的资历远比你要浅薄
KevinCorrect. 没错
Louis:  Well, how’d that make you feel? 对此你感觉怎样?
——>>Okay, truthfully, you were hoping to be 好吧 老实说 在你规划中
——>> further up the corporate ladder by now, weren’t you? 你目前职位要比现实中更高才对 是吗
KevinMaybe. 也许吧
Louis: And once again, recently you applied for a senior VP position你最近又申请了高级副总的职位
——>> and were turned down. Is that correct? 再度被拒绝 我说得对吗
KevinYes. 是的
Louis: You do know that Management is going outside the company to fill the job, right? 管理部门准备正在对外招聘这一职位 你知道吧?
——>> That’s just because of a headhunter friend of mine 那只是因为我从一个猎头朋友那得到的信息
——>> You know, you can tow the party line, Kevin… But I know exactly 你可以继续保持缄默凯文,但我深刻了解——>> what it’s like to bust your ass every day at a company 那种感觉 每天为公司卖命
——>> and be overlooked for a promotion time and time again. 但总是错失升职机会
——>> It just… hurts. Just physically hurts. Right here.  实在是……很伤人,痛彻身心,正中这里
——>> Give 110% every day, and for what? 每天付出110% 是为了什么?
——>> So they can just… chip away at your dignity? 是让他们慢慢蚕食你的尊严吗?
——>> You can be the, uh, loyal soldier today, 你可以依然做一个忠诚的战士
——>> be the cannon fodder for your bosses. 当你上司们的炮灰
——>> Or you can turn the guns on ’em right now, 或者你可以立马和他们反目
——>> and you can just tell me the truth. 把真相告诉我
KevinIt’s true. Our product sucks. 这是真的,我们的产品糟透了
——>> We’re suing ’cause we’re losing market share. 我们起诉的原因是在丧失市场占有率
——>> There’s nothing wrong with your ad campaign and that’s the truth. 你们的广告活动没有任何不妥,这就是真相

精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第95期:商务谈判技巧

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  1. 《金装律师》既适合英语,同时又能提升认知,特别适合中高级进阶。



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