
[riplus-video url=”https://s01.zhufubang.com/public/Suits.S02E02-clips.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610520045-25b2916b5c49db6.jpg” is_logo=”1″]




Head Hunter:It’s important that nobody knows about this.这事绝不能让别人知道

Louis:I’ve never…我还从没…

——>>done anything like this before.干过这种事呢

Head Hunter:Louis, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.路易  你没必要觉得羞耻

注解:be ashamed of:为….感到羞耻

——>>Exploring your options is something everybody does these days.如今人人都会探寻一下自己的选择

注解:exploring options:尝试各种选择,寻求其他机会(选择)

——>>Sometimes you’re in a relationship,有时候你与人交往

——>>they take you for granted.却不被人重视

——>>You shouldn’t be taken for granted.可你理应获得尊重

——>>I wouldn’t take you for granted.我就不会漠视你

注解:take sth/sb for granted:把….当做理所当然

Louis:I’ve never even considered this.我就没考虑过这个

Head Hunter:Really? People do it all the time.是吗?人们总会想这些事

Louis:Well, not me.我是个例外

——>>I never even let myself think it, let alone--我就没往这方面想过  更别说…

注解:let alone:更别说,更不用说

Head Hunter:Sometimes, Louis,路易  有时候

——>>the only way to move on向前的路

注解:move on:字面意思前进,移动,还有离开,还有更换工作的意思

——>>is try something new.就是换一条路

Louis:You’re trying to seduce me.你想引诱我

注解:seduce:引诱,诱惑 merely:仅仅,只不过 half of dozen:半打,六个。比喻很多

Head Hunter:I’m merely saying,我只是想说


——>>if Jessica Pearson can’t see the quality of the work that you do,如果杰西卡·皮尔逊看不到你的价值

——>>I know half a dozen firms who will.我知道很多会欣赏你的公司

注解:half a dozen半打,六个;形容很多

Louis:Litt, nothing, and nobody.利特  一无是处  无名小卒

——>>I mean, who does she think she is?她以为她自己是谁

——>>So… high and mighty.总是那么高高在上  不可一世

Head Hunter:The question isn’t, “Can I get you an offer?”现在的问题不是”我能否给你到工作”

注解:mighty:有力的,强势的; high and mighty:趾高气昂

——>>It’s, “How good an offer can I get you?”而是”能找到多好的工作”


精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第98期:猎头谈判技巧



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