
[riplus-video url=”https://s01.zhufubang.com/yuanyuan/Shanwu/Steve.Jobs.part2.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1610442202-51114f06791d672.jpg” is_logo=”1″]



Interviewee:I have to say, of all the people I’ve met——我必须说 在我见过的人中
——>>there is nobody, clearly, nobody like Steve.——没有人像乔布斯那样
——>>When you are next to him and he was talking to you, you could feel the electricity in your body.——当他在你旁边 跟你说话时你能感觉到身体里有电流
——>>You could feel his charisma, and it wasn’t it’s because he was a cult leader——你能感受到他的魅力 那并不是因为他喜欢通过搞个人崇拜来领导别人
——>>or anything, you just, actually, could feel it,——实际上谁都能感受到他身上的魅力
——>>because I’m not necessarily a cult follower.——我并不是一个信徒 但我却也感受到了

——>>And, he made you feel he could inspire you.——他让你感到倍受激励
——>>He made you feel like you could do anything.——他让你感觉一切皆有可能
——>>And as long as you believe that, you, really, could do anything,——而且只要你坚信 你就可以做到
——>>as long as you’re willing to sacrifice everything else.——前提是你愿意牺牲一切

Commentator:So, really, that’s what Steve Jobs did for the people around him,——这就是乔布斯为他周围的人所做的
——>>the people under him that worked for him——让他的员工感觉
——>>he made them feel like they could not only change the world,——他们不只可以改变世界
——>>but that anything was possible if they worked hard enough,——只要他们肯努力 一切皆有可能
——>>and so they were willing to go to really extreme measures to pull the kind of things off——所以他们愿意竭尽所能 完成各种任务
——>>that he asked for were often times were quite frankly, technologically infeasible,——尽管有时这些要求在技术上并不可行
——>>and ridiculous, and very hard to pull off.——荒谬而且很难实现
——>>But they managed to do it because of this belief that it was possible,——但他们都能做到 因为他们坚信
——>>that passionate people could change the world.——满怀激情的人可以改变世界
——>>Now this was not the only thing that Steve Jobs had going for him.——现在乔布斯推崇的并不止是这一件事
——>>In fact there’s a lot of other stuff but the second one that I want to touch on, now,——实际上有很多件 不过现在我只想提一件
——>>is what got people emotionally riled up——就是乔布斯如何让人们情绪激昂
——>>and it’s that Steve Jobs spoke in high stakes metaphors. Let’s check it out.——因为乔布斯用了很多夸张的比喻,我们来看一下

Steve Jobs:Sun is, if you will,our friend because they’re going to spend their marketing money——如果你愿意 ,Sun其实是我们的朋友, 因为他们在市场上投入了大量的金钱
——>>to convince people to move into this segment.——来劝说人们投资这个领域
——>>But the minute they’ve madetheir choice to move into the segment——可当他们一旦选择投资这个领域
——>>whether we’ve convinced them or Sun has convinced them——无论是受我们影响 还是Sun影响
——>>Sun and NeXt are mortal enemies.——Sun 和NeXt都注定是宿敌

Commentator:So, there you go, mortal enemies; not something you’d expect someone who talks about computers,——这种宿敌并不是你印象中做电脑
——>>microprocessors, and workstations to describe a business battle ads, but that gets people fired up.——微处理器 或者工作站的人描述商业广告战的方式,但是这引燃了人们的激情

Steve Jobs:In other words, if we zoom out the big picture, it would be a shame to have lost the war ——换句话说 从宏观上看 如果我们的失败
——>>because we won a few battles. And, I sort of feel like I, and so are the rest of us, are concentrated too much on the smaller battles, that, and we’re not keeping the war in perspective——是因为我们赢了一些小战役,那就太丢人了,我和其他同事认为我们过多的关注无关紧要的战争,而忽视了宏观上的战斗
——>>and the war is called survival.——而真正的战斗叫做生存

Commentator:Again, he’s talking about survival, war, smaller battles. These are all very human, emotionally-driven,——他再一次使用了生存 战斗 战役这些富有人情味和煽动力的词汇
——>>archaic-type of things, almost.——几乎都是古代的事物
——>>These go back hundreds, if not thousands, of years, and——就好像带我们穿越到了几百上千年前
——>>people have a lot of reference points to think about what war, battle, survival means, all the way throughout history——在历史的长河里 人们有很多参考点来思考战争 战斗 生存的意义
——>>some people, even, from personal experience.——甚至是一些人的个人经验
——>>So when you talk in this sort of terms, and this sort of metaphors, and not just in,——当你使用这些词和修辞手法 而不是简单地说
——>>“Okay, we’ve got to win or we might lose our jobs.”——“我们不赢 就会失业”
——>>This gets people emotionally engaged,——会让人们先在情感上代入
——>>and that was something that Steve Jobs was able to do to an incredible level with his own employees.——这就是乔布斯能让他的员工饱含激情的原因

乔布斯除了有着天才般的见解和远见外,他令人信服的感染力也是他如此特殊的原因之一。年轻气盛完全不足以形容青年时期的乔布斯,但是大众眼中的他说得在旁人看来天方夜谭,但是他的激情溢出到感染身边所有人,上期对说乔布斯的评价中有个词——专制,但他的专制并不是建立于他的职权,而是通过他的个人魅力感染领导员工,他令员工感受到自己的价值绝不仅仅限于work for Apple,更多的是让员工觉得自己能做到改变世界,竭尽全力的去做到看似荒谬而且很难实现的任务,一旦完成了,意味这在行业内领先于其他竞争对手。乔布斯在做演讲分析时用了很多煽动的词汇,乔布斯很直接的把商业竞争比作战争,一针见血,同行业企业是竞争对手,但也是由于竞争对手的存在使得客户流进这个市场,这方面看对手也是朋友,行业没有竞争是不可能进步的,不进步的行业注定被淘汰,打败竞争对手不算胜利,在激烈的竞争中生存下来才是胜利!

精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第97期:乔布斯谈员工激励part02



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