
2019年淘宝直播网站成交额约为2500亿(GMV “Gross Merchandise Volume”网站成交金额),直播带货为何如此火爆,一个最主要原因网红主播的带动。




以下是视频“live streaming sales”学习笔记,相关生词及短语已用红色高亮,部分知识点及实用表达已经给出注释,希望对大家的英语学习有所帮助。




Next I’m gonna bring up some interesting things to consider. First, is live streaming sales simply an upgrade from TV shopping? Absolutely not! The two reasons are: First, live streaming sales brings interactions, real interactions between the influencers and consumers. As you saw, I could put in my comments and it will pop up on the screen and the influencers will actually read the comments and then reply to their fans. I’ve seen consumers complaining about things get sold out in a few seconds. The influencers or the sellers will say “we’re gonna restock 10k more” That’s real-time interaction right there.

live streaming:指现场直播,也可以做形容词;stream在这里有数据流的意思,我们通常所说的流媒体就是streaming media。直播带货,是指通过一些互联网平台,使用直播技术进行近距离商品展示、咨询答复、导购的新型服务方式,直播带货的英文是live streaming sales。

Upgrade:既可以作名词也可以作为动词使用,有升级的意思。原文“ upgrade from TV shopping”的意思是直播带货是电视购物的升级版吗?

Internet Influencers 网红,如果查前两年的词典,都不会有influencer这个单词,因为现在网红流行,大家都被影响着(influence)那么影响别人的人,我们就称作为influencer。

put in comments: 发表评论

pop up: 有突然出现的意思。在这里是指我发表的评论在屏幕上弹出。引申一下,在国外有一种非常流行的pop-up store。指那种“短期经营的时尚潮店”,或者译为“快闪店”。

restock: 补货,重新进货。

real-time interaction:实时互动。

拓展:Real-Time Interaction Management–also referred to as RTIM–is the capability of providing an optimized response in real time to a customer event. 实时交互管理(RTIM),就是“在客户生命周期内适当时间通过首选的客户联系点交付与其场景相关体验、价值和功效的企业营销技术。



The 2nd reason (of live streaming better than TV shopping) is the creation of the fan base. We’ve all done or we’ve seen TV shopping before. No matter who’s selling on the TV, we just pull up our phone and place the order we don’t care who’s really selling the product. But live streaming sales, on the other hand, create a bond between fans and influencers. That converts to stickiness or rapport such that fans will keep buying from the same person.

the creation of the fan base:粉丝群的创建

Fan base: the fans of a singer, group, team, etc. considered as a group. 例句:The singer has a loyal fanbase in Europe.

pull up the phone:拿起电话

place an/the/(one’s) order:订货,下订单。英文释义:To register an order for some product or service that one will receive in the near future.

短语:Place the order 下订单;Place the order elsewhere 从别处订货;Place the order right away 立即下订单

create a bond:建立纽带,bond纽带,联系;关系;契合

converts to:使改变,使转变,使转化

rapport:融合,和谐,和睦的关系。英文释义:a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them。例句:She has an excellent rapport with her staff. 她和她的员工关系融洽。



The next question is can influencers be skipped over? Can factories or brand owners go straight to the consumers? It turns out skipping influencers is not gonna work so well.

Three reasons: First, influencers can gather a huge volume which factories can’t easily do. Second, influencers make selling super entertaining to catch more eyeballs. Third, influencers can start their own brands (skipping brand owner instead). This is actually what many foreign (Outside China) influencers do. You can see a lot of big Youtubers and Instamgramers they have their own brands. So I’m gonna talk about the foreign model later.

Now that we know influencers are important. They actually also made the supply chain super efficient. In fact this model gets rid of the distributors or the middlemen. Now the demand goes straight from platforms to factories. Now the factories know the consumers needs. so it’s really easy to predict how much product they need to make. And that at the end could save huge inventory cost and it also helps factories to get rid of their stagnant inventories. Now the factory has volume, but they don’t have to do much advertising or marketing. Isn’t that great?

skipped over跳过。

catch more eyeballs:吸引更多的眼球。

supply chain:供应链。在直播带货模式中,网红很重要,会让供应链更加的高效。这种新模式会帮助摆脱批发商和中间人。

gets rid of:除掉……,摆脱掉……

middlemen:A trader who buys from producers and sells to retailers or consumers. 中间商。

inventory cost:库存成本指存储在仓库里的货物所需成本,它还包括订货费、购买费、保管费。库存是供应链环节的重要组成部分,指一个组织所储备的所有物品和资源,库存成本就是那些物品和资源所需成本。

stagnant inventories: stagnant 这个词原本是用来形容空气和水的不流通,比如“一潭死水”就是 a stagnant pool. 后来它多了一个引申义,用来形容现状的“停滞”,因此这里stagnant inventories是泄销的尾货的意思。直播带货能够帮助厂家和品牌商甩尾货。



Now let’s revisit the “Influencers +Celebrity” combo. You might not think it’s gonna work, but it actually works super well. Here’s why. Those celebrities, a lot of them are brand ambassadors. For example, when influencers are selling a particular brand, the brand itself could invite their brand ambassador or celebrity to come to the live streaming sales. And celebrities they have fan base to begin with, right? Their job is to create emotions for first of all their own fans and then the fans of the influencers. Or whoever is watching the live streaming sales. Influencers, on the other hand, they look into the rational side of things. They know the products really well and they even compare the products with similar products. Now you have both emotional and rational stuff and that can make selling super easy.

combo: 结合,联合,”combination”的缩写。同类缩写的还有condo,公寓,“condominium”的缩写。

brand ambassadors :形象大使,品牌代言人。

rational side/ rational stuff: rational是“理性的”, rational side理性一面,rational stuff理性的东西。对应的感性的我们用emotional。




本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 精听英语

精听英语 » 超实用商务英语口语及写作素材:直播带货、网红营销



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