
Management vs Leadship《管理与领导力》:是纪录片High performance leadship《高效管理》的第一章,将近6分钟时长,因此我们以长视频的方式做了发布,这段剪辑以管理大师以及商业领袖的视角,向观众展示了管理与领导的本质区别和职能差异。

[riplus-video url=”http://s01.zhufubang.com/Youtube/leadship/Leadship-Part01.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/1605000020-1f0aef4f272d154.jpg” is_logo=”1″]



1–To be a leader requires one thing and one thing only.  成为一位领导者只需要一样东西,仅此一样

2–Followers. 那就是追随者

3–That’s it. 这就够了

4–the real reason anyone follows anyone else’s because 别人追随你的主要原因是

5–they trust you. 他们信任你

6–To be a real leader, 做一个真正的领导者,

7–you have to be able to get people to follow you because你必须做到让别人追随你,

8–they want you and they trust you. That’s commitment. 因为他们需要你、信任你 这是忠诚

9–Right now, you have the power to show leadership and everything. . . 现在,你有能力展示一切

10–The two words management and leadership, are often used as synonyms. 人们经常把“管理”和“领导”两个词混淆为同义词

11–That is to say, 也就是说,

12–people don’t even notice that in one sentence they’re saying one , 他们甚至没有注意到,上一句话用的是其中一个词,

13–in one sentence they’re saying another下一句话中用了另外一个词,

14–and they’re thinking the same thing, 他们想到的是同样的事,

15–whatever it is. 不管是哪一个

16–Or they think the guys on top do leadership, 或者,他们认为上层负责领导

17–whatever that is, 无论什么情况下,

18–and the guys in the middle or lower do management. 中层或下层的人负责管理工作

19–Both are wrong. 这两个观念都是错误的,

20–Both are dangerous and both are increasingly a problem是危险的,而且这个问题越来越突出,

21–in a world that’s changing faster and faster. 在一个瞬息万变的社会

22–There’s practical everyday management. 这是的日常管理方式,

23–I’m not interested in that. 我不感兴趣

24–Leadership is not practical, 领导力不是与实际相关,

25–and it’s not everyday. 也不是基于日常琐事

26–Management and leadership are totally different things. 管理和领导是截然不同的

27–You think you’re being a leader but you’re probably being a manager. 有时你自认是领导者,实际上做着管理者的工作

28–Managers figure out what they wanna done and get people to do it. 管理者明确自己想要完成的工作,然后分配给别人去做

29–Managers try to get people to do what they did yesterday, 管理者分配给别人自己做过的工作,

30–but a little faster and a little cheaper, 但是要求他们做得更快,更省成本,

31–with a few or less defects. 尽量少出错

32–right? it probably has a place. 这种管理可能有一席之地

33–But it’s not interesting to me. 但我对它不感兴趣

34–What’s essential, 至关重要的是,

35–what’s not happening is a leadership. 未知的才是领导力

36–Leadership is about finding the right people领导力就是找到合适的人,

37–agreeing on where you wanna go and getting out of the way. 做你想要做的事,帮你披荆斩棘

38–Leadership means embracing the failure of your people. 领导力意味着接受员工的失败,

39–If it leads to growth. 如果失败可以促进员工的成长

40–Leadership means not knowing what’s gonna happen tomorrow. 领导力不是预知未来

41–Just knowing it’s gonna to take you where you wanna go, 而是带你达到你的目标

42–And that’s really hard. 这真的很难

43–Particularly for people who have self-identified a small business people特别是对于那些自认是小企业的负责人

44–’cause they’re afraid of becoming big. 因为他们害怕自己的企业壮大

45–Managing is about doing things right. 管理就是做好事情

46–Leadership, 领导,

47–on the other hand, 不一样,

48–is about doing the right things. 领导是做对事

49–You see today’s good managers. 你可以看到今天的优秀经理人

50–They manage and control the work environment. 他们管理和控制工作环境

51–They control processes. 他们掌控流程

52–They control procedures. 他们控制各个环节

53–They control the work environment. 他们管控着工作环境

54–They focus on getting the products and services out他们专注于产品生产、服务提供

55–on time on specs on budget. 依照时间、要求和预算

56–And that’s great. 这很棒了

57–Leaders, 而领导者,

58–on the other hand, 与此不同的,

59–not only manage, 他们不仅管理

60–but they’re also more visionary. 他们还得更有远见

61–They understand a much broader picture. 他们了解更广阔的蓝图

62–They understand that getting a donor on specs on time on budget today, 他们明白,今天得到预期收入,

63–may not be good tomorrow. 不见得明天还会一切顺利

64–So I got to find ways to do it better, 所以领导必须想方设法做得更好,

65–than the competition and I gonna find those ways now. 超过竞争者,刻不容缓

66–They also understand, 他们也明白,

67–in order to be an effective leader, 想成为一个卓有成效的领导者,

68–you have to surround yourself with good people. 必须与贤者同行,与智者为伍

69–In a traditional organization, 在传统的组织架构中

70–a leader or a manager in the orgchart has power over people. 组织架构中的领导者或管理者掌管大权,凌驾于员工之上

71–But a true leader has power with people, 但真正的领袖得民心者得天下,

72–which is to say that even if they don’t have organizational power, 也就是说,即使他们没有手握实权,

73–they have the skills that will enable them to get ah, 他们还是有能力获得他人的

74–cooperation and support and loyalty. 协助、支持和信任

75–Not because people have to follow them, 并且这不是因为人们屈服于权力,

76–but because they want to. 而是因为他们心甘情愿

77–At the top of most organizations, 在大多数组织的高层,

78–we have individuals or teams of individuals. 有某些个体或群体

79–Some believe that they’re managers. 有些人认为自己是管理者,

80–Some believe that they’re leaders. 有些人认为自己是领导者

81–Huge difference between the qualities of the manager and the qualities of a leader. 管理者和领导者在品质上有天壤之别

82–Management is about excellence today. 管理是追求今天的卓越

83–Leadership is about the promise and the opportunities of the future. 领导力关乎未来的前景和机遇

84–Managers manage in the present. 管理者经营当下,

85–Leaders lead to the future. 领导者引领未来

86–We’re all going to be living in the future. 我们都将生活在未来

87–We need leaders who can take us there. 我们需要能够带领我们到那里的人

88–Leadership is about the vision part of a business. 领导力是企业愿景的一部分

89–Management is about the mission part of the business. 管理力是企业使命的一部分

90–So if leadership says this is the destination. 所以,当领导设定了目标,

91–Management helps set the root, 管理者的工作就是在后方奠定基础,

92–set the course. 规划路线

93–And they’re two very, 这两个完全,

94–very different disciplines. 不是一回事

95–Management is about管理是

96–dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. 兼顾方方面面,细枝末节

97–Leadership is about the sentiment of the statement that you’re writing, 领导力好比文章的主题陈述,

98–you know. 你懂得

99–Management’s about the grammar. 管理就是好比文章的材料组织

100–For me,  to lead is to lead change. 对我来说,领导就是领导变革

101–We’ve probably all heard in some form or another, 我们可能或多或少都听说过这种观点,

102–this idea that managers improve what is也就是管理者改善现状

103–and leaders go beyond what is. 领导者要超越现状

104–Managers are built to prove管理者职责是为了证明

105–They are motivated by efficiencies. 他们为提升效率而努力

106–Leaders, paint. 领导者,谋划

107–They paint a future. 他们谋划未来

108–They are motivated by passion and opportunity, 他们被激情和机遇所驱动,

109–Huge difference between the two, 两者之间存在巨大差异,

110–We need to understand the difference between我们需要了解这两者之间的区别,

111–a mindset of exploitation, 一种是开发的思维方式,

112–getting more from what we have, 即从已知中得到更多,

113–and a mindset of exploration, 一种是探索的思维方式,

114–which is getting new and different from things that’re unfamiliar. 也就是从未知中探索新事物

115–That’s the difference we need to understand it. 这就是我们需要理解的差异

116–and we need to understand what the environment is asking of us. 并且我们应该了解外界对我们的要求,

117–They’re asking us to discover. 这个社会要求我们去探索发现


精听英语 » 精听英语视频号商务英语第84期:管理与领导力



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