

刘欣的英语能力有目共睹,不仅是国内一等一的英语运用高手,她的演讲与写作能力把很多国外非文字工作类的Native Speaker都要强大,如果喜欢刘欣的发音及表达,可以多多收集刘欣近年在CGTN和国外出席节目的访谈视频,从中研习她的英语发音、行文及表述能力。

[riplus-video url=”https://file.91talk.com/clips/Youtube/Liuxin/Liuxin-Biden.mp4″ img=”https://www.jtenglish.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/1605411059-edb98c5cdc06b9a.jpg” is_logo=”1″]

Put aside: 1、to ignore or not deal with something: 2、to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time.


Harsh rhetoric:唇枪舌战、恶语相向

Tit-for-tat:actions done intentionally to punish other people because they have done something unpleasant to you. (以牙还牙、针锋相对)

The ball is in one’s court:It’s your responsibility now; it’s up to you. One has the responsibility for further action, especially after someone else previously held responsibility. The phrase originated in tennis. (轮到某人采取行动了:这个习语源自网球运动,当某一方已经采取了行动,把球打过了网,到了对方的场地,就可以说:”The ball is in one’s court”:现在是对方采取行动的时候了。)

E.G. I noticed she didn’t send me a card – I think it was tit for tat because I forgot her birthday last year.

It has no reason to make an enemy out of the most powerful country in the world.
用“It”作形式主语,避免直接提及“China”的尴尬,所谓的形式主语,其实就是一个 “傀儡”。它能在很多场合下充当炮灰的角色。

“It’s time to heal, you said, and to march the forces of decency, fairness and science.”: 三个以上词语并列起到增强语气、凸显思维的多样性,体现丰富的词汇量和强调对某一观点考虑充分等优点。

注:March the forces of sth:(被聚合的某种力量或被集结起来的某种势力)朝着某个方位或目标前行。

“and by that, I mean facts, in how you approach a foreigh country and people”:这里的”Approach”作动词,与”deal with”意思基本一致,但approach显得更加正式且包含的语意更广泛。

Mr. Biden, you said it’s time to bring prosperity to all, and that possibilities define America. I agree. That’s how America has been built and why it is so loved. But America does not have a monopoly on prosperity and possibilities.



Grave Grievances:严重的不满、满腹的抱怨

Ideological confrontation:意识形态对抗

Have a monopoly on sth: If a company, person, or state has a monopoly on something such as an industry, they have complete control over it, so that it is impossible for others to become involved in it.(对某事有独断或排他性垄断控制权)

Carrot and stick approach:胡萝卜加大棒,或译为红萝卜加巨棒、恩威并济、软硬兼施,是美国总统西奥多·罗斯福的观点。是一种以“奖励”与“惩罚”,赏罚并进的一种两手策略,亦称“独裁者的恩威并用”。

精听英语 » 商务英语第85期:刘欣发表对拜登胜选演讲评论(下)

1 评论

  1. 刘欣在行文写作方面可能不是一流、在发音方面也算不上顶尖,但是综合能力、知识广度及临场发挥和应变能力,绝对是顶尖高手。很多Native Speaker都望尘莫及。不信,你掐指算算,举几个国内英语综合实力明显高手她的, I’d like to rub my eyes to find out !



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