

1–And by the way, 随便提下

2–I cannot help reflecting that if my father had been American我不禁联想到:如果我的父亲是美国人

3–and my mother British, 母亲是英国人

4–instead of the other way around, 而不是像现在这样恰恰相反

5–I might have got here on my own. 我可能(不需要坐飞机),自己就过来了

6–Sure I am that this day — now we are the masters of our fate; 我很肯定的告诉大家:今天我们是主宰自己命运的主人

7–that the task which has been set us is not above our strength; 我们所面临的艰难困苦终难敌过我们的信念与斗志

8–that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. 精神与肉体上的痛苦与折磨敌不过我们的坚持与忍耐

9–As long as we have faith in our cause and an unconquerable will-power, 只要我们坚定信心、笃定意志走自己的路

10–salvation will not be denied us. 就能拯救我们自己

11–In the words of the Psalmist, 一首诗词这样写到:

12–“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. “直译:一个人若是内心坚定不移相信主,他将不会惧怕邪恶灾祸(诗译:心有神明,不惧祸殃)

13–Not all the tidings will be evil. 不是所有的讯息都带着邪恶

14–On the contrary, 相反

15–mighty strokes of war have already been dealt against the enemy:针对敌人的坚决反击已经展开

16–The glorious defense of their native soil by the Russian armies and people. 威武的俄国军队及其民众奋起防御他们的国土

17–The wounds have been inflicted upon the Nazi tyranny and system 纳粹的暴行和体制正在遭受创伤

18–which have bitten deep, and will fester and inflame 创伤的加剧会让其千疮百孔,最后不得善终

19–not only in the Nazi body but in the Nazi mind. 纳粹们的身心将会遭到巨大的伤痛

20–The boastful Mussolini has crumbled already. 飞扬跋扈的墨索里尼已经分崩瓦解了

21–He is now but a lackey and a serf, the merest utensil of his master’s will. 他们只能做奴隶与走狗,一个可以被其主人随意丢弃的道具

22–Many people have been astonished 很多人都觉得震惊

23–that Japan should, in a single day, 日本怎么敢,在一天之内

24–have plunged into war against the United States and the British Empire. 向英美帝国发动战争

25–What kind of a people do they think we are? 他们以为我们是什么人?

26–Is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them 难道他们一点都没意识到我们在没有让其付出

27–until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget? 令他们和世界都会铭记的惨痛代价是不可能就此善罢干休的?

28–Here we are together, facing a group of mighty foes who seek our ruin.  现在,我们一起应对:那些傲慢自大想要毁灭我们的仇敌

29–Here we are together, defending all that to free men is dear.  现在,我们一起守卫:每一个自由人所珍视的一切

30–Twice in a single generation the catastrophe of world war has fallen upon us. 单就我们这一代人,就面临了二次灾难性的世界大战

31–Twice in our lifetime has the long arm of fate reached out across the oceans 我们这一生中,二次将命运的长臂伸向跨洋彼岸

32–to bring the United States into the forefront of the battle. 将美国拉到战争的前沿

33–If we had kept together after the last war,  如果我们从上一次战争后就团结起来

34–if we had taken common measures for our safety,  如果我们采用联合措施,保卫我们的安全

35–this renewal of the curse need never have fallen upon us. 这次灾祸就不会降临到我们身上

36–Do we not owe it to ourselves, to our children, to tormented mankind, 我们难道不应具有让自己、我们的子孙、我们苦难的民众

37–to make sure that these catastrophes do not engulf us for the third time? 为避免像这样的灾难性的战争第三次来袭的义务吗?

38–It is not given to us to peer into the mysteries of the future. 上天并没有赋予我们窥探未知的能力

39–Still I avow my hope and faith, sure and inviolate, 但我仍然宣言:我坚定的希望与纯真的信念:

40–that in the days to come the British and American peoples 在未来的日子里,英美两国人民

41–will for their own safety, and for the good of all, 会为我们的安全以及所有美好的事物

42–walk together in majesty, in justice, and in peace. 庄重、公平、和谐地携手共进

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