
118–I am here to offer you the chance to resign 我来这里是要给你一个辞职的机会

119–before I crush you, publicly, 不然我就会公开地毁灭你

120–and loud as a cow elk trying to squeeze out breached twins. 并且方式将会异常地惨烈

121–Oh. You have neither the power nor the authority. 你既没有这样做的能力也没有权力

122–You once offered me the chance to surrender 在我被瘟疫笼罩之前

123–before being visited by the plagues. 你曾经给过我投降的机会

124–I did not, and so I paid the price. 我没有接受 所以我付出了代价

125–Now, I have no desire to bring dishonor on our profession–现在 我并不想让我们的专业蒙羞

126–Spare me your rodomontade. 不用跟我吹牛了

127–This is the same bargain you put to me: the chance to walk away. 这是你曾经给我开的相同条件 离开的机会

128–With just the bedrock certainty you had 跟你在我的厨房里时一样

129–when you stood in my kitchen. 我现在也同样地非常确定

130–You knew that train was already en route. 你知道事情已经一发不可收拾了

131–I know much the same. 我现在也是

132–You’re done. 你完蛋了

133–You know, you once remarked you knew all the fancy words I did. 你曾说你知道我所有的漂亮话

134–That you’d gone to the same schools. 就彷佛我们上过同一所学校一样

135–Yet you love to deploy the earthy, the homespun,  然而你却喜欢用粗俗的语言

136–the language of the dirt road and the barefoot walk to school.  就像光着脚走泥路去上学一样

137–The language, in short, of your parents and cousins. 简单来说 就是你家人的语言

138–Well, I, too, can reach back into familial lexicon 我也可以去家族字典里找找

139–for bracing truths. 令人振奋的真相怎么说

140–And my, uh–My mother’s father was from Italy… 我外祖父来自意大利

141–… yes, a Roman, you know. 他是个罗马人

142–And he taught me that when someone talks to you他教会我当别人

143–as though you are of no consequence,目中无人地对你讲话时

144–you have two choices. 你有两个选择

145–The first is to wilt away. 第一个选择是屈服

146–And the second is get right in their face and tell them… 第二个选择是直接回击

147–Sei fuori come un balcone, figlio di buona donna, 你就是个疯子 狗娘养的

148–ti venisse un colpo, a te e a tutta la palazzina tua你和你的联排别墅去死吧

149–ma guardati che sei, burino, cazzabubbolo, baciapile,你看看你 卑躬屈膝 谗言献媚的混蛋

150–non ti vogliono manco li cani, 连狗都不想要你

151–sei cosi stronzo che se pesti una merda fai scopa, 你就是个混蛋 你要是踩到屎那就是绝配

152–li mortacci tua. 去你祖宗十八代

153–Vaffanculo! Eh! 去你的

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