舌尖上的中国:A bit of China 英文纪录片

舌尖上的中国:A bit of China 英文纪录片精选点评:
我是第一次看中国美食纪录片,感觉这个记录片辛苦的不只是农夫、找食材工人以及厨师,连摄影师的幕后工人都很用心的把这些东西完美的呈现出来也很不容易。以前的我害怕吃东西卡路里爆表照成肥胖,所以时常浪费食物、现在的我吸取教训了,毕竟一个美食的背后付出太多的心血和辛酸史,是我们无法用肉眼体验到的 ?啦!
Chinese food is a sophisticated culture, comprising of nutrition/taste/color/texture/medicine. China have the world’s most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don’t have a lot of potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious.
A Bite of China presents Chinese food to the audiences, especially those who do not live in China in a very comfortable rhythm by using extremely delicate scenes. Here we can see the evolution of China’s daily diet, the rich experience accumulated by the Chinese people, and different diet habits and unique taste aesthetics, as well as oriental life values that rise to the level of survival wisdom.
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